Everything Sucks Today

Wow, dig that Descendents reference there. I’m so musical it scares me sometimes. But seriously, everything does suck today. for one thing, it’s below freezing outside. It’s the 8th of November and it’s 2 degrees below 0. That’s not cool. Well actually I suppose it is, but puns are stupid so we’ll move on. In …

How can we gouge you today?

I swear things don’t make any sense any more. Here are two places where I just stand back and go, “huh?” First off is university fees. Yeah you guys know my feelings about the infamous print card. Did I mention in there the infamous graduation application fee? *Checks old rant*. Nope. Phew. I’m not recycling …

Too politically correct? Na! Never!

Ok, today I saw something that made me just go, “Huh?” I was surfing around and I was looking at a site for one of the guide dog schools, and I saw a link that said, career change dogs. That was just one of those statements that makes your head spin and if you don’t …

Things I’ve Been Thinking About

I don’t understand sports fans who riot when their team wins. What sense does that make? When they lose that’s different, I can almost see where they’re coming from there. Although, any adult who’s not a part of the losing team but still takes things that seriously probably has some separate issues of his own …

Now That’s Some Hatemail

I don’t generally post other people’s hate letters but this one I found extremely amusing for some reason. Maybe it’s because I’ve never seen one quite like it before. I mean sure I’ve gotten some less than positive feedback to things that I’ve written but for the most part, the person has either had a …