I saw something yesterday that could quite possibly be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. I know I say that a lot but stay with me here, I really mean it this time. Yesterday I found myself at one of the fall fairs that seem to pop up everywhere this time of year what with …
Category Archives: thoughts
First things first, how about a joke? Ok then, here comes one. Three pregnant women are sitting chatting and knitting sweaters for their expected kids. The first one says “I hope that I have a baby boy, because I’m knitting a blue sweater.” The second says ” Well I hope that I have a girl …
This Has No Point…. You’ve Been Warned
Wow am I ever cranky today. It’s unbelievable. I went to bed nice and early last night since Monday’s always hell but I couldn’t fall asleep for the life of me. I finally got to sleep around 12 only to wake up again at around 1:10 and not get back to sleep until about 2:30. …
Another Landmark
So just one day after we hit our 9000th hit, we are now sitting on exactly 400 posts! Now considering that this thing has been open for 10 months and there are 2 of us writing, it really speaks to our laziness but let’s take a trip down memory lane about some of the very …
We’re Doing This Again Already
Here’s what I was trying to post when everything started fucking up. The references to weather are about Tuesday, I’m just too lazy to edit all of that out and change the flow so you get it as is. Before I start doing this search term thing again I need to ask a question. Why …
Technical Difficulties
There’s nothing overly important in this post, I’m just testing the site to see if I’ve worked out the technical problems that I’m having. The people at Blogger made some changes to their publishing interface about a week ago and since then I’ve been having a lot of problems getting things to work properly, which …
One Of Those Random Posts
Hey everybody. I hope that you had, are having or will have a great holiday weekend depending on where you are and what your work schedule looks like. Mine was great for the most part but I won’t make you sit through uninteresting stories about how I spent my Canada Day. Oh no. Instead, I’ll …
Vote Or Shut Up???
So today is Election Day in Canada. As with any election in any area we’ve been slammed with ads and all kinds of rhetoric for the last while all telling us why we should vote for the different candidates. That alone is annoying enough for me to have considered posting on, but I refrained since …
Well Hi There
So it’s been a little over a week since my computer died and well, it’s still dead. In fact, it’s much more dead than I was hoping it would be when it went down last Wednesday. The latest on it is that the hard drive is gone and now I’m on the hook for $100 …
I’m A Sad Panda
A couple of nights ago I was going through some of my old things and I decided to dig out the old recording that one of the bands I used to be in made. Why I wanted to do this I’m really not sure because to be quite honest, that tape fucking sucks and in …