I was watching a bit of the morning news today when I got up and I happened to catch a segment called Your Say. It’s the part of the show where they read some of their viewer mail on the air and give the results of the daily poll question. The question of the day …
Category Archives: thoughts
Where’d Everyone Go?
Well look who’s back… Ya. I know you were hoping for Steve but it’s just me. I’m back from Montreal and weighing in one gold medal heavier. The Championship game turned out to be a good one for the very reason that this tournament in unique from others. The Men’s Final pitted the defending American …
This Post Has No Title. Wait, Yes It Does.
If I ever meet the guy who invented bubble gum flavoured toothpaste I’m gonna hoof him square in the sack. And before you ask, yes, I am in a good mood today. The fact that I’m going to limit myself to a single kick to the nuts on a guy who had the nerve to …
Continue reading “This Post Has No Title. Wait, Yes It Does.”
This is just a quick note to sort of explain the lack of updates lately. It pretty much boils down to this. Matt and I are both busy people. I can’t really speak for him but I know that he’s got a lot going on right now. But I can speak for me so I …
Random Observations From The Middle Of A Snow Storm
Ok so I’m not actually in the middle of the snow storm itself, I’m in my nice warm house but my nice warm house is right smack dab in the middle of a great big storm that’s pretty much got the entire province shut down so it’s close enough. The only good thing to come …
Continue reading “Random Observations From The Middle Of A Snow Storm”
Just Another Manic Monday
Well Good Day to you All I was away all weekend and had no access to the internet. I checked out the site and despite there being very little action on the main page, there was all kinds of entertainment on the comment boards. To that end, though, I must say…. Shut Up! Ok. This …
Why Would Anybody Want That?
Today I officially lost my faith in humanity and learned a valuable lesson at the same time. People will steal absolutely anything, no matter how much actual value it happens to have. I’ve been feeling a little under the weather for the last couple days so being the helpful soul that she is my girlfriend …
Tenants Roasting On An Open Fire
Well it’s certainly been an interesting night here in the land of Steve, and for all the wrong reasons. It’s about 10 PM and my girlfriend and I are just doing our normal nightly stuff. We’re on our computers checking our email, that sort of thing. We eventually migrate out to the living room to …
Oh Come On!
Any of you who visit this site who are also visitors toSalty Hamhave probably noticed that they have a joke of the day on the main page. It’s a cool feature and some of them aren’t too bad, worth a laugh for the most part, or at least a giggle. But everybody, no matter how …
Screw The United Way
Before I get into explaining exactly why these people can eat an over-sized bag of hell I should probably explain just a little about who they are, since I know that this site is a worldwide thing and that not everybody will know about them since there might not be a United Way outside of …