Cleanin Out The Old Inbox

Wow, I actually went a day without posting anything. Yesterday was the first time since the site went live that I missed one. Not that it matters though since Matt seems to have things well in hand, filling up the weekend quite nicely. Maybe it matters to those of you who don’t like Matt and …

Letterman, Leafs & The Most Evil Person On The Planet

For the last little while Letterman’s been airing some stuff in a segment called “Meet The Governor”. He’s got clips of Arnond smoking pot, groping women and just basically making an ass of himself in general. It’s some pretty funny stuff that Letterman has said “will become a regular segment until I get bored.”. Definitely …


I was watching the news with a cousin of mine today when he pointed out something that I hadn’t thought about before. A story about the 25th anniversary of the Pope came on and as we watched my cousin turned to me and said something that I’ll never forget. “You know what the difference is …

Too Much Peppers. Too Little Happy

Hello my little Vomiteers Well, I’ve been awak now for a total of 2 and half hours and i’ve heard 5 Red Hot Chilli Pepper songs. this is a TERRIBLE ratio. Especially considering they haven’t released a good song since about 1999. This crap lately is nothing but overplayed, recycled garbage and I for one …