Food Basics Flyer Info

I get a lot of my groceries at Food Basics. A while ago, I wanted to read their flyers. So, I went online, and quickly discovered that their online flyers were nothing but images. Sure it looked like there were words there, but all those words were part of an image. JAWS cannot interpret images. …

Google Maps Just Got Cooler

I just discovered the coolest thing! I had no idea, but google Maps has a feature where you can figure out how to get from point a. to point b. via public transit! How awesome! I don’t know how long this feature has been in existence, but I’m abig fan. I would always recommend trying …

Me? Saving For when I Get Old?

I’ve been meaning to write about this all week, but for one reason or another, I couldn’t do it. Now I guess I’ll try. For a while now, I’ve been thinking that I should probably be putting away some money in some kind of a savings plan. Hopefully before I’m 65, I manage to get …

The Clearing House of Carin’s Head

Well hey everybody. You’ve probably noticed it’s been kinda quiet around here. Well, there are a couple of good reasons for that, and I decided to write about them, along with a couple of ideas that have been floating through my head. Long, long, long post ahead. The main reason is because Steve and I …

Some Help And Some Plugs

Just came across this in our recent searches… 11 Nov, Tue, 21:28:13Google:pwinsider won’t let me use pop up blockers I remember this being an older problem, but if you’re still having it, here are a few things you can do. Try out Super Ad Blocker. It’s a really good product, best pop-up blocker I’ve ever …

Updates About Stuff And Stuff

Well, it’s time for a post full of ramblings about the mundane details of my life. Anyone who wants a nap could probably get one now. Grandma’s service last weekend was really amazing. The service itself was pretty ordinary, but it was all the feeling around it that made it so incredible. We showed up …