Whenever I think about this, this song pops into my head. So about a week and a half ago, I was busily working away when my phone beeped and a weird text showed up. It said it was from my bank and it said that this was a fraud alert and there was a weird …
Category Archives: tips and tricks
Probably everybody knows about this, but hey. Maybe it’s good to have it up somewhere for people to find. This was emailed to me from GDB. GDB Partners with Be My Eyes Greetings GDB Alumni! I have some very exciting news to share with you. On Monday, September 14 GDB will begin providing specialized support …
I�ve Got To Fix This!
We have been wanting to solve this mystery for years, and the other day, we finally did, so I thought I’d pass on the solution. It started one day when Steve and I were sending emails to our buddy J. Steve was using Thunderbird, and J and I were using Outlook. For some reason, I …
The Scoop On This Disability Tax Credit-Related Payment Thing
So there’s been a bunch of confusion about this new one-time COVID-19-related payment of $600 that you get if you have the Disability Tax Credit here in Canada. People are running around wondering if they need to apply for something special to get the payment. If you already have the Disability Tax credit, no, you …
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It’s A JBL Flip Your Lid 5!
I’m trying to unravel a mystery, and hope that maybe writing about it will help. So…Friday night, we had to accept the fact that Steve’s beautiful iPod dock bit the dust. Well, the dock itself is probably fine, but the cord that went from old ass iPhone 4 port to lightning port got frayed and …
A Mass Of Mask Info
Since masks are a new part of our lives when we want to go to a store or hang out in an office or whatever, I thought maybe it would be good to post a few helpful videos about them. First, since you run the risk of making yourself sick if you don’t do things …
Dealing With Masks If You Can’t Hear
I saw this article about masks causing communication problems for people with hearing loss, and I thought I would pass it on. I expected lip-reading would be a problem, but I hadn’t considered facial expressions, which was a total duh moment. I think this article does a good job of explaining the problem and giving …
An Option For Grocery Delivery In Cambridge If You’re Disabled Or A Senior
When you’re generally in the business of airport shuttles and being people’s designated driver, what do you do when there’s suddenly no demand for either of those things? If you’re Driverseat Cambridge, you start offering free grocery delivery to seniors and disabled people. Those in need will be able to file a form including their …
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Live In KW And Want Groceries Delivered To You Sometime This Century? Central Fresh Market Is Your Friend
Update: Central Fresh now has an online store you can use to do your shopping rather than sending in a list. You can try it out at Shop.CentralFreshMarket.com. In spite of a couple of hiccups in the early going, it works pretty well for your screen reader using friend here. You also may find the …
A Calculator To Make You Feel Like An Idiot For Buying All That Toilet Paper
Judging from the stores around here some of you could have used this service a couple weeks ago, but hey, it’s never too late. And so I give you How much toilet paper? The simple calculator for how much toilet paper you need to survive the pandemic. Not everyone is able to get to a …
Continue reading “A Calculator To Make You Feel Like An Idiot For Buying All That Toilet Paper”