I Had No Idea That All This Stuff Was On Spotify

I’m a big Spotify fan, though sometimes I don’t use it as much as I’d like. It’s already more than worth the subscription price based on the huge selection of music and comedy, but it just got a little better now that I’ve discovered that you can also use it to stream classic novels, short …

In Spite Of Its Best Efforts, We’re Now Using DLVR.it

Twitterfeed, the service we’ve been using mostly reliably to tweet our new posts to the world since 2010, is shutting down tomorrow. If you’re a webmaster and you didn’t know that, you might want to get on finding a replacement soon. Sorry for fucking up your Sunday. I’ve known for a while, but hadn’t gotten …

Rogers Centre Fan Assist: This Fan Thanks You For Your Assistance.

A few weeks ago, Steve and I went to another Blue Jays game, one of the last games of the season. That was a fun game to watch. But the reason I’m writing about it is because we learned about a service offered by the Rogers Centre that’s pretty cool, and I wish it was …

Screen-Readers Can Read Captions? This Is A Thing?

So how long have I been under a rock? Please tell me it hasn’t been long. For as far as I can remember, I was sure you couldn’t read the captions that appear on Youtube videos, or any videos for that matter. I figured they were either images burned in, or they just moved too …

I’ve Had My First Pretty Unpleasant Uber experience now.

So yesterday I had my first refusal by an Uber driver. I had a cart full of groceries and the fellow just kept saying no dog in car, and even tried once to tell me to put the dog in the trunk. Nope, no dog in trunk. He actually got quite hostile, and told me …

Some Hopefully Uber Helpful Uber Tips

I thought I’d pass on a couple of Uber-related things that I have figured out. I am happy to say I really haven’t had any worse of an experience than I’ve had with cabs, and most of the Ubers have been way better. I’m very thankful, though, that I never had to deal with this …

You Should Probably Turn Off Wi-Fi Assist On Your iPhone. Here’s How

Carin and I got our new iPhones over the weekend. So far, even though I’ve hardly scratched the surface of what this thing can do since I’ve largely been concerned with making sure all my apps still work the way I’d like them to, I’m finding the 6S to be pretty great. The call quality …

Robobraille: OCR In A Pinch

I don’t know why I’ve never written about this service, but better late than never. More often than I’d like, I get a document that’s either unreadable because it’s a scanned image, semi-readable or readable if you have a million years and infinite patience. Usually, if I can put it through OCR, it can fix …

To Get Us Through The Aeons of Ion Construction…

I think I’m cursed. A few years ago, I had the joy of living through Guelph Remastered. That was a heapin’ helpin’ of no fun. Now, just when I was feeling pretty good about my ability to wing around parts of Kitchener-Waterloo, along comes LRT construction. And oh me oh my oh boy. Time to …