A Big Pot Of Pooch Thoughts

Well, here comes another doggy hodgepodge. I warn you, this one’s much longer. Something happened to me months ago, and I keep forgetting to put it up. I was getting on the city bus, and a kid yelled “Hey! That’s Midas! You stole Midas!” It was either Midas or Linus. I don’t know. Anyway, he …

Scary Stuff And Doggy Frustrations

Yesterday, I got some surprising news. It came in a strange way. I’m on a guide dog mailing list, and a puppy raiser was describing the new puppy she got and naming off his littermates. One of them was the same name as a dog given to one of my classmates! People are probably thinking, …

Rescue Me!

Well, It’s the May long weekend again, and you know what that means, don’t you? Fireworks. And do you know what that translates to in Trixie-land? Puffpantpuffshivershivershakepuffpuffpuff. Last year, I noticed it, but some people told me once she was more bonded to me, she would feel less afraid. Well, nope. It’s weird. People started …