Well, here comes another doggy hodgepodge. I warn you, this one’s much longer. Something happened to me months ago, and I keep forgetting to put it up. I was getting on the city bus, and a kid yelled “Hey! That’s Midas! You stole Midas!” It was either Midas or Linus. I don’t know. Anyway, he …
Category Archives: Trixie
Scary Stuff And Doggy Frustrations
Yesterday, I got some surprising news. It came in a strange way. I’m on a guide dog mailing list, and a puppy raiser was describing the new puppy she got and naming off his littermates. One of them was the same name as a dog given to one of my classmates! People are probably thinking, …
Doggy Hodgepodge
I was going to write a heap of small posts, but I decided to smush them together into one big post. So off we go into all things doggy. There’s this goofy little kid who often sits outside on his patio/balcony/something or other near where Trix does her business who really wants to speak to …
Crappy Guidework
Well, it looks like I have more adventures with the Trixter. I was just starting to think we were going to cruise along without incident. Nope, I can think again. Last week, I started to notice that Trixie’s guidework was, in a word, off. If we were in familiar territory, I could compensate for it …
Grrr. Even though I’m calmer now, I’m still fuming. Fume fume fuming. I took Trixie out for her final business. Just before she did it, I heard a ker smash! Some pea-brained numbnut toolchest asshole decided that it would be jolly good fun to heave a beer bottle from his balcony toward the street. Oh …
The Dog First-Aid course
I honestly don’t know why this post is taking me so long to write. I started writing it a few weeks ago, only got a couple of lines in and then my computer took a poop, taking it down with it. So here I go again. Remember when I said I was going to take …
Pooch Post
Oh boy, the things kids say because of Trixie. I had two of them today, so I figured they deserved a post. I was walking back after Trixie did her noon business, and a kid was playing with a ball. He stopped and said, “Hi Trixie!” Without even thinking, I answered him and said it …
Rescue Remedy Update
Remember how I said I was going to buy Rescue Remedy? Well, I did. They had spray and drops. I almost bought the drops, but then they weren’t sure if I could tell how many drops I had in the dropper. Neither was I, so I wasn’t sure if I’d end up wasting more than …
Rescue Me!
Well, It’s the May long weekend again, and you know what that means, don’t you? Fireworks. And do you know what that translates to in Trixie-land? Puffpantpuffshivershivershakepuffpuffpuff. Last year, I noticed it, but some people told me once she was more bonded to me, she would feel less afraid. Well, nope. It’s weird. People started …
Look! Another Trixie Post!
I figured it was about time for another Trixie update. Every single time I do one of these, I feel like I’m forgetting stuff. Oh well, it just means more material for later. Remember when I mentioned how she like to stretch out on her belly with her legs as far behind her as possible? …