It’s been a while since I’ve written Tansy updates, so here’s a bunch. As I was combing the blog to make sure I hadn’t already written some of these things, I laughed at the following passage: “So Tansy’s first winter has arrived, and we’ve had a few challenges, but nothing like what Trix and I …
Category Archives: Trixie
New Favourite Treats of Trix and Tans
I thought I’d mention a couple of things that really make Tansy leap for joy. The first is anything that comes from a website called They sell all kinds of natural dog treats, but the thing that makes her go most nuts of all are things called Bullwrinkles! Brad got Trix interested in them, …
Scary Dog Nicknames
I’ve noticed a disturbing trend I’ve started with at least Trixie and Tansy. I don’t think I had Babs long enough for her to be part of it. I have given them nicknames that are, or sound close to, nasty diseases! One day, Trixie was being extra sniffy. We were on a bus and she …
Tansy’s First Christmas and Other Things
So…we made it through Christmas. Today was a day of *flop*. I don’t know why this Christmas was so exhausting, but wow. I must be getting old. I’m posting these pictures of Tansy with Santa for two reasons: first, so they can be up for all to see, and second, pleasepleaseplease tell me I fixed …
Trix, You’re Still In My Dreams
I mentioned yesterday in a comment under Brad’s post about Trix that I had another dream about her. Here it is, because it’s weird. And, why am I having Trix dreams still? It started off normal enough. Steve and Tansy and I were out walking through some festival in Kitchener, and Brad was there too, …
A Trixter Update
Another guest post, this time from Brother Brad who wrote in to let everyone know how Trixie is doing. It has been a while since I wrote about everyone’s favourite retired guide dog, Trixie. Rest assured, I sincerely apologize for this great injustice, and will now grace you with such a post. It is hard …
Why Does Dry Dog Food Have To Smell So Friggin Terrible?
I’m not really that much of a dog person, which is one of the reasons why I don’t do the guide dog thing. but that said, I love Carin’s dogs and have gotten along great with all of them. It’s like the way a lot of us love babies. They’re so cute and snugly and …
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The Final Round Of Doggie Updates…For Now!
I think, maybe, this will be my last completely dog-focused post for a while. *puffpuff*. That was a lot of notes. I learned a lot more about Tansy the plant when Steve and I went to Cambridge Centre one Sunday. We met a lady who dyes her own yarn, and she says she uses Tansy …
Continue reading “The Final Round Of Doggie Updates…For Now!”
Tansy Updates, Great And Small, Part V
Is anybody bored yet? *hopes not* I’ve amassed an insane pile of observations, but maybe this stuff is only fun for me. About that, it seems with Tansy, I have this need to try and capture everything. I have tried to record her labby loops around the living room. I have tried to observe everything …
Tansy Updates, Great and Small, Part IV
So it’s morning. Time to get more Tansy stuff up. I have had so many firsts go by already. Tansy had her 2nd birthday back on May 31, and I didn’t blog a word. Shame on me. I think that must have been quite the birthday, we had a long day of work, followed up …