Do You Want Cord Cutting? Because This Is How You Get Cord Cutting

Pretty sure I just figured out how Rogers plans to pay for its shiny new chunk of sports monopolization. You’ll be shocked by the answer, no doubt. Upcoming change to your TV Box rental fee(s) We hope you’re enjoying your TV service. With the rising costs to deliver the latest technology, we’ll begin charging an …

Do I Have A Mind That’s Degrading? Or Maybe Degrading?

Here is another example of Carin’s mind is screwed up. I was watching TV when a commercial came on that got the exact wrong reaction from me. It said “Do you have boxes of videos and DVD’s that are degrading?” My first thought was “Whaaaat? Nooo! Why would I have those? Gross! And even if …

I Hope You Like Cords

Huh. Who could have ever seen this coming? Oh that’s right, me! Streaming appears poised to undergo what some have called “The Great Re-Bundling,” with services merging, combining or forming alliances that will essentially reconstruct the cable “bundle” that consumers relied upon for decades. While that makes sense for studios eager to offer “more robust …

Best News Bloopers For June, 2024

Let me make sure I have this right. If you look at a baby hippo, you can tell that it looks like a fully grown hippo, only smaller? And if you look at, say, a puppy or a kitten, you’ll know right away that there’s a difference between them and the hippo? Fascinating! And before …

April’s Bloopers And The Leafs

Speaking of bloopers, how about them Leafs? Yeah, low blow. One that I’m not sure how much they deserve considering that Auston Mathews had one of the best years a Leaf has ever had and they made the playoffs yet again. But then they did what they always seem to do, forget that they’re any …

I’m Sick Of These Mute Muting Mutes In this Mute Muting Movie

If you’re a certain kind of person, the idea of a device that could cut all of the bad words out of movies and TV shows might sound just dandy to you. And if it could also swap those words out of the closed captions and replace them with nicer ones? Even better! But I …