Um? Is That A Good Noise Or A Bad Noise?

I saw this video on Facebook a bit ago, and I’m sure my mom wishes she could have shown me this before we first flew, because when we did, I was constantly going “What’s that sound? That one? That one? Does that one mean the same as that one? Or that? What about that?” My …

TV Shark Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo

If you had just gotten that out of your head, I’m sorry. If you clicked play and then said to yourself “what in the hell is this?”, congratulations on not having been around a child in the last four years. And if you’re at your wits’ end, praying to your deity of choice that the …

It’s Been 25 Years Since That Version Of O Canada AT The Las Vegas CFL Game

I posted this video once before, back when everybody was freaking out about Nelly Furtado singing O Canada at that basketball game and I was trying to get them all to calm down. And now that the 25th anniversary of what is still one of the best worst anthem performances of all time has passed, …

Auf Dass Wir Niemals Vergessen Mögen

This is most definitely an old story at this point, but it randomly just popped into my head and I realized I never posted it. Veterans Affairs bungles VE-Day video by showing Nazis Unclear if any Canadian troops visible amid footage of German forces It’s since been fixed and apologized for, but if anyone from …

So He’s Good Then?

Let me make sure I have this right. The Conservatives bought advertising time on television stations so that they could show advertisements like this one that advertise all of the bad things that Justin Trudeau has done, and then tell us at the end of all of their advertisements that Justin Trudeau is not as …

Queen Elizabeth Way Too Much Stuff In Your Car

I can think of more than one person in my family who has either definitely or quite probably done either this or something similar, but never somewhere as busy as the QEW. A baffling display of driving was caught on video late last week, with a driver carting a load of wood on the QEW with …

Where Are They Now: Igor Kenk, the Guy Who Pilfered All Those Bikes

I remember being fascinated by the story of Igor Kenk as it was unfolding. First because I thought it was funny that a guy who owned a bike shop would have to send somebody out to steal a bike for him, and then just by how big the story ended up being (around 3000 bikes …

This Strange English Language

Got this in a joke email and it seemed like the perfect excuse to post an old Brian Regan bit I’ve always enjoyed. the timing is especially amusing to me because Carin just said something over the weekend about moosen in the woodsen. We’ll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes; but the …