As long as I am of sound mind, I can’t imagine ever falling for one of these computer support scams. Unfortunately, a lot of people aren’t me and still do. There’s sadly not a whole lot that can or is being done to stop any of it, which makes videos like this fairly valuable. Not …
Category Archives: videos
Bohemian Flopsody
It’s been a while since we’ve checked in on our old friend the Floppotron, so here it is playing Bohemian Rhapsody. The modem is a nice touch, and the end made me laugh.
Chop Suey With A Five-Year-Old Girl ON Drums
Eduarda Henklein started playing drums when she was four. AT five, she did this. She’s now almost ten and has turned pro. Keep up that practicing, you guys.
Log Driver’s Waltz
I don’t hear this often these days, but whenever I do it’s stuck in my head for like the next decade. So since the radio just played it, I thought I’d share the experience and wish everyone a happy almost Canada Day. Enjoy your long weekend, especially now that we’re on a stretch of something …
We Needed Superman And We Got Clark Can’t
I’ve paid some attention, but in the grand scheme of life I haven’t spent a whole lot of time thinking about the Mueller report. Part of that comes with being an Ontarian and a Canadian. We’ve got our own political issues to deal with right now, as you may have noticed if you’ve been coming …
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My Favourite Part Of The Raptors Parade
All that basketball stuff was pretty alright, but I wish to direct your attention to this heartwarming moment. Ontario Premier Doug Ford was greeted with a chorus of boos when he was announced to the crowd at the #raptorsparade. #onpoli #wethenorth MORE: — (@globalnews) June 17, 2019 And it sounds even better …
The 1983 Toronto Argonauts Grey Cup Riot
These days it’s like pulling teeth to get anyone out to an Argos game, but it wasn’t always that way. A whole lot of people used to genuinely care about the team, so much so that there was a mini riot after they won the Grey Cup in 1983. I have no memory of any …
If Fox News Treated Trump The Way It Did Obama
This really is nothing short of incredible. What if Fox News covered Trump the way it covered Obama? It would look like this — NowThis Impact (@nowthisimpact) April 16, 2019
Cocaine, Chloroform, and Other Old-Timey Medical Cures
Gill has a fascination with this stuff, so hopefully she’ll see this. Did they have Mad Libs in the 1600s? Because I feel like that’s where a lot of these likely came from. Or maybe it was just all the poison.
And Now, Here To Perform The American National Anthem In The Key Of C-rap…
Quite possibly the worst rendition of the National Anthem of all time @Starting9 (via @T_Funds_) — Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) May 5, 2019 What exactly is this man doing? Yes, I know he’s attempting to sing the Star Spangled Banner at a baseball game, but what is he doing? And more importantly, why is he …
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