Watch A Smartphone Tell You About All The Snooping It’s Doing

We all know (or at least I hope we know by now) that our cell phones are spying on us. But I don’t think a lot of us quite understand just how much they’re doing it. I’m not sure how much this short film is going to do to change that, but it sure does …

Somebody Tried To Eat Those Canned Hamburgers. Tried Being The Key Word Here

Many years ago, Carin discovered that there is such a thing as a cheeseburger in a can. She had basically the reaction that you’re probably having right now, especially if this is the first time you’ve heard the words cheeseburger in a can presented to you in the context of it being a thing that …

A Miserable Day For Childhood Steve

2019 seems to be getting off to a rather 2016-like start on the celebrity death front. Mean Gene Okerlund and Super Dave Osborne both died today. Both were 76 and awesome in their own ways. Mean Gene is the best wrestling interviewer I’ve ever seen. He had a way of making bad promos decent and …

The 179 Days Of Christmas

If you’re in need of some festive holiday music to listen to as you gather with family and friends today, how about this nine hour version of the 12 Days of Christmas? To be clear, I do not suggest that any of you actually listen to this. It’s terrible. I made it to day 14 …

Twas The Night Before Christmas, House Of Commons Style

I pay decent attention to the goings on in Parliament, yet somehow I had never seen Liberal MP Rodger Cuzner read his annual Christmas poem. But now I have, and it’s awesome. With so much division in the world, sometimes it’s nice to be reminded that things don’t suck all the time and that now …