Love Is A 47-Year-Old Christmas Present

It appears the mystery of the 47-year-old gift has been solved, and it was captured on video! I guess the articles from last year made their way to Vicki Allen, the ex girlfriend who handed him the gift and dumped him, and they reconnected and decided to open the mystery gift for a charity. Thank …

Littering Outer Space Might Not Have Been The Best Idea, You Guys

Since humans started traveling to space, we’ve left a lot of stuff up there. Sometimes that’s good (communications satellites, the space station, ETC), but sometimes not so much (spent rocket parts, satellites that we’re not using anymore, random garbage, ETC). And just like here at home, all of that junk is becoming a problem. In …

Jazzy Want A Firefighter!

Parrots and their way of imitating things always fascinates me. Well, here’s another one, and this one imitated the smoke alarm and brought firefighters to the home. Damn, that parrot is good. Living with a bird who could do that would have confused the heck out of me, but the way he imitates the phone …

Somebody Just Voted Himself Off The Christmas Card List

This looks like your standard, run-of-the-mill campaign ad, but then… Holy shit, did not see that coming. Yes, that really is six of Republican Congressman Paul Gosar’s nine siblings telling the good people of Arizona not to vote for their brother and to instead support his opponent, Democratic candidate David Brill. It didn’t work, …

Five Minutes Of Hell At The Inflatable Run

I’ve never met KUSI TV meteorologist Dave Scott, but after watching the poor guy struggle through this live report from an inflatable toy festival/race of some sort I kind of feel the urge to track him down, give him a hug and tell him everything is going to be ok. Seriously, if someone has ever …

Once We Fix This Baby Thing, We’re Going To Tackle The Wetness Of Water

Things move so fast anymore that I missed this at the time, but there’s no way I’m passing it up even if it’s already ancient history. Yes, that is the President of the United States explaining in a speech that right now, all over the country, babies are being born in the ninth month …

Radio Waterloo, A Documentary About The Creation Of Community Radio Here And In Canada

I haven’t had a chance to watch this yet, but since I’ve seen it recommended in a couple of places that are generally pretty good about recommending these sorts of things and because let’s be honest, odds are it was going up anyway, enjoy this documentary on the history and struggles of community radio in …