I’m sure that some of you are going to vote for Trump no matter what. I can’t for the life of me understand why you would do that, but that doesn’t matter. As long as you live in a society where there exist free and fair elections, it’s your right to make that choice. But …
Category Archives: videos
The Best News Bloopers Of September 2024
Does anyone have any idea how YouTube’s personalized notifications work? There seems to be no rhyme or reason to anything they do. “Oh, you’ve subscribed to this channel because you enjoy its semi-regular offerings and would like to know when there are new ones? Perfect. You’ll never hear from it again. But here, have this …
Goldust Tells The Story Of Getting Tourette’s
Hey there, wrestling fans. Remember that time when Goldust got electrocuted and wound up having Tourette’s for a while? No? Good for you. This was back in 2003, a couple years into the period where it had become abundantly clear that WWE had no competition left but desperately needed some. If you’ve never seen one …
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The Best News Bloopers Of August, 2024
Decent crop of innuendo this time out. And I feel the same way about cold fronts quite often.
How Did They Keep It To 20?
A little while back, we were out to dinner with some people and unfortunately the conversation somehow turned to Trump. “The nicest thing that I can say about Donald Trump is that he’s a complete buffoon,” I recall telling the group at one point. “It’s all down hill from there.” Things like this are why …
Let’s Have A Quick Pickle
I’m a big fan of pickles on burgers. Relish too, for that matter. But if you substitute those two things for lettuce and tomatoes (especially tomatoes), I 100% understand where these poor folks are coming from. And before anyone asks, yes, I’m fine with ketchup. Ketchup is different than tomatoes. Ditto tomato sauce. The problem …
Seems Like An Easy Choice
If you’ve spent your summer somehow not hearing anything about what’s going on with the election in the States, I’m sorry to have to do this to you. But at least it’s Randy Rainbow getting you caught up, so you should have as much fun as you possibly can for the next few minutes. The …
The Best News Bloopers Of July 2024
I hope they didn’t make the dry rub guy apologize. That was funny. And yes, yacht is a stupid word that I’m glad I didn’t have to deal with often back in the radio days. I could absolutely see myself being that guy, especially on a bad sleep morning.
Deja Vu (But Worse)
If I’m being generous, I think I watched two minutes of the Trump Biden debate a couple weeks ago. I caught enough to know that Biden looked extra elderly and was probably sick with something and that Trump was still absolutely repulsive and completely full of shit. So I saw all I was ever going …
Best News Bloopers For June, 2024
Let me make sure I have this right. If you look at a baby hippo, you can tell that it looks like a fully grown hippo, only smaller? And if you look at, say, a puppy or a kitten, you’ll know right away that there’s a difference between them and the hippo? Fascinating! And before …