Category Archives: videos
It Wasn’t Me, Featuring Shaggy As President Trump
Even Shaggy is doing Trump parody songs now. Yes, that is the actual Shaggy in the role of Donald Trump singing his own song with James Corden’s Robert Mueller as the two make jokes about the leader of the free world without having to really exaggerate anything. What times we live in. Thankfully someone has …
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What Dogs Are Seeing When They Watch TV
I was interested in watching this video because quite often, Tansy will come out and sit by one of us, get some pets and stare intently at the television. Her two favourite things seem to be crime stuff like Cops and Live PD, or any of the vet shows we watch, especially the Incredible Dr. …
Idiot Job
This seems like as good a time as any to remind you that movies are fake and that the sorts of things that work there don’t generally translate to real life. A suspected car thief tried to make the perfect getaway by racing down a flight of stairs but ended up being rescued by …
The Good And The Ad
Here’s Gill, continuing our long tradition of talking about commercials. Advertising has been a big thing for many years. Sometimes the ads have been unforgettable, others have left us wondering what people were thinking. From the racist and sexist to questionable advice and the annoying, here are some campaigns you might remember or would rather …
Head-Spinning Flight Safety Videos
Yes, I’m back home. I went to CSUN, the first time in four years. I flew two United flights, and thankfully, they didn’t try to break me or Tansy on either one. Very good news! But I did think their safety video seemed really weird. The words were normal enough, but the surrounding music was …
Of course the Floppotron plays Jump. Why do you ask? It’s got some pretty snazzy vocal inflection and guitar licks, too.
Fresh Prints Of Bills Here, Perhaps The Worst Rap Video You Will Ever See
We’ve covered some very bad corporate and organizational attempts at educational music here over the years, but I don’t think anything is going to touch this how a bill becomes a law Fresh Prince of Bel-Air parody that the Utah House of Representatives has made. Sweet Jesus, watch this thing! The Utah House of Representatives …
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I Was On The News Talking About Fake Service Dogs
I didn’t realize it when I woke up yesterday, but I was going to be on the news by the end of the day. Don’t worry, it wasn’t for something scary or stupid. I guess an old friend from school ended up talking to a reporter about the problem of disservice dogs and how businesses …
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An Updated Ironic
Finally, somebody got Alanis Morissette to admit that nothing about Ironic is. Well, unless we consider that the fact that there is no irony to be found is perhaps itself the irony. But anyway, while James Corden was at it, he also got her to update the song to reflect some of the issues facing …