The Devil Went Down To The Laundromat

Do you ever get fixated on the rhythm of something like a clock or a knocking engine or a washing machine and think to yourself man, I could put music to this? I do that all the time. Evidently so does this guy, but unlike me he’s ambitious and talented and as a result he …

The Floppotron

We’ve posted a few different computer hardware musical creations here over the years, but nothing on this scale, I don’t think. Polish engineer Paweł Zadrożniak built the Floppotron, a synchronized array of obsolete computer hardware programmed to play tunes. The current Floppotron 2.0 build sports 64 floppy drives, 8 hard drives, and a pair of …

If The Late Show Is Good Enough To Anger Trump’s FCC, It’s Good Enough For Me

I haven’t watched the Late Show since Letterman left because rare is the night when I’m not fast asleep by 11:30 and none of our good for nothing cable companies will get around to building me a DVR I can use, but if this is the sort of thing I’m missing I might have to …

If Real People Commercials Were Real For Real

It’s no secret that companies think we’re stupid and have no problem insulting our intelligence. To me one of the worst examples of this is the “we talked to real people to get their thoughts on our brand new…” type ad. Anyone with even the faintest snort of a clue knows that everybody in the …

Regardless Of How Much Influence We Leverage, The Nature Of The Discourse Will Be Irreversibly Impacted

A couple of takeaways from this video: 1. Language is going to evolve whether we want it to or not and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. 2. By the time they’re my age now I won’t be able to talk to my nephews because they’re all going to sound like 2017 business …

A Different Type of Disability Etiquette Video

I saw this disability etiquette video which is full of supposed tips for us dealing with the public, rather than the other way around and after I found the description, I had a really good laugh. I got most of it, but the disabled parking spot scene, the bathroom stall scary music bit, and the …

News Bloopers, The Sex Edition I have loads of these things (He said loads!) that I need to get around to digging out of my files and putting up here, but for now, enjoy this compilation of unintentional sex-related news moments. Yes, Rob Ford is in it. By the way, there’s a chance that YouTube may ask you to …