I’m giving this one a soundtrack because we need to get it in before it’s too late to be topical. Tempting as it may be, there are more productive ways of voicing your displeasure with Donald Trump and his supporters than showing up at one of his rallies and vandalizing the cars there with peanut …
Category Archives: videos
Don’t Get Sucked Into The Virtual Life
Damn it, I’ve been ruined. Every time I go to look at my Facebook or Twitter on my phone, strains of a certain song begin to play. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iimlq6KuFpA It’s a parody of “Circle of Life” from the Lion King. I can’t make out all the lyrics, but I’m going to write out as many as …
Bad Hombres, Nasty Women
The Songify people have done what they do to the most recent U.S. Presidential debate, but this time with the added bonus of Weird Al as moderator.
Um, Are Ya Really Gonna Vote For This Guy?
I found this on my Facebook feed, and just had to share. Lyrics were transcribed in the Youtube comments, and I put them here because the captions I heard whizzing by left a lot to be desired. “no truck wants total access?” He’s super callous, fragile, egocentric, braggadocious Likes to throw big words around and …
Continue reading “Um, Are Ya Really Gonna Vote For This Guy?”
Have You Heard? If You Drill A Hole In Your New iPhone, You’ll Get To Buy A New iPhone
People will believe any damn thing. This is a fact. And should you decide that now might be a fine time to work out your contrarian muscles and not take my word for it, I give you this. Oh come on, Steve. This is so obviously a terrible idea, not to mention a prank. It …
You Found it, Duffy Moon!
It has taken me over seven years to do it, but I took another look for that Duffy Moon video I mentioned in this old post, and someone has uploaded it to Youtube! Here it is, all 45 minutes of its…glory? I really didn’t remember much of this video. Somehow, I never noticed how much …
Wait! Where’s Everybody Going? Come Back! It Says “Muslims Get Out,” Not “Customers Get Out!”
If you’re so determined to make a statement, at least shit out the effort required to find a big enough sign to accommodate it. Christ, what a moron. A Minnesota business owner who wrote “Muslims get out” on the sign outside his restaurant has defended the move, claiming that people were taking the sign “in the …
Our Prices Are Insane, And So Are We
I had heard over the weekend that this existed, but until now I hadn’t seen it. But even now that I have seen it, I still can’t believe that I’ve seen it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZmM-2gj5Gc In the television spot, a Miracle Mattress employee, identified by the Dallas Morning News as manager Cherise Bonanno, along with two male employees, …
Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes, Black Kids
I meant to put this up a long time ago. I saw this on Facebook, and I thought it was very powerful. It’s amazing how quickly Jane Elliott manages to break down the blue-eyed people. This was just a couple of hours of these kids’ lives. Imagine what people must feel like when they deal …
That’s So Inspiring!
Somebody posted this to, erm, Facebook, and I decided it needed a place up here. This comedian had the brilliant idea of walking up to average joes while they did average things and telling them they’re inspiring, in order to demonstrate why that annoys us so much. It reminds me of this Corner Gas episode, …