Here’s a neat piece of history. These are the first seven minutes of TSN, which went on the air on September 1st, 1984. I know the sports broadcasting universe has dramatically changed and expanded since, but I still can’t imagine life without TSN today.
Category Archives: videos
Pass The Rum Balls, It’s Time To Get Hammered
I know that the point of this video is supposed to be that it’s technically possible to get yourself legally drunk by doing nothing but eating food with alcohol on the ingredients list, but what I take from it is either that this fella is a serious lightweight (he did say he was feeling it …
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Aww What An Adorable Wheelchair!
I saw this video, laughed, and then thought it made a great point. Now, doesn’t that look ridiculous? And I’m pretty sure I’ve seen all those things happen, if not directly to me, then to someone else I know who has a service dog. It adds another dimension to the no petting the dog rule. …
This Trump Guy Isn’t So Bad
I’ve been avoiding saying anything about Donald Trump here, because I was taught as a young boy that the best way to deal with a moron jackass who’s looking for attention and trying to get a rise out of you is to ignore him until he figures out he’s getting nowhere and goes away. Generally …
A Republican Debate In Song
This is a bit old, like there were more Republican Presidential candidates than Donald Trump old, but I like it. Some impressive use of Autotune here. And yes, “We need brain” is something Trump actually said. “We need brain in this country to turn it around.” If America has brain, he won’t win.
I’m not familiar with Mike Bobrinskoy, but if the rest of his stuff is as funny as this story about someone trying to scam him on OKCupid with the old I’m stuck in a foreign country and I need money trick, he might be worth getting to know. God, I hope this is all true. …
Colon Is A Mighty Big River
So Bowser and Blue wrote another song about colons. I had no idea. Finding info about it isn’t proving to be the easiest thing in the world, since most of what comes up in Google is just a bunch of people reposting it and even the entry for it on their own website is basically …
You’re Not The Boss Of Me! Ok, So You’re The Boss Of Me, but I Don’t Like You And You’re Mean
This is funny. It’s also how I picture the world if we keep going down the path of nobody loses at competitions and nobody ever fails a class even if their work is shitty or not done at all.
What A Whole New World Should Really Sound Like
I imagine most of you recognize that song and the movie scene it comes from. It’s pretty famous, dare I say iconic. Growing up in a house with younger siblings, I’ve seen it a million times. Yet somehow, even though I’ve spent a decent chunk of time on the radio and in recording studios, I’ve …
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Did Somebody Say McMusic?
*puts on old man hat* Great. I’m trying to enjoy a quick hamburger in peace, but I can’t because numbnuts in the next booth thinks he’s fucking Drake or some shit. Thanks, McDonald’s. As First We Feast points out, McDonald’s in the Netherlands recently introduced a music-making placemat called McTrax. McTrax works with a smartphone app …