Why Learn A Second Language When You’ve Got An Earpiece And A Smartphone

Finally, a worthwhile and useful wearable that I totally want to use. This is some seriously Star Trek level shit right here, and these guys would have to be the biggest fuckups in the universe and beyond to not become gazillionaires based on it. They’re already off to a fine start in that department (not …

Get The Dru, It’s Domino’s!

When I saw this video about Domino’s Pizza making a delivery robot, I had to wonder…did Steve’s friend Greg go to Australia? That has to be why they invented the thing. Story time. A long, long time ago, when Steve and I still lived in that building that had the big fire that night in …

Tell The Jackwagons We’re Ready For The Paddy Wagon

And now, another case of nobody’s looking for you, dude. Authorities in Idaho have released a 911 phone call that resulted in a drug trafficking arrest. The call, released by the Rexburg Police Department, details an incident nearly a year ago on Jan. 23, 2015, when two out-of-state drug traffickers got high and called police …

Celebrity Interviews Gone Wrong

While we’re on the news blooper theme, I happened to find this compilation of celebrity interview disasters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9W5vYhUtXU There are some classics here, including that time Mike Tyson went on CP24 and let loose on Nathan Downer after he asked about his rape conviction. CP24 wound up getting a slap on the wrist from the …

2016’s First News Bloopers

I haven’t finished all of these yet, but I might as well put them up now since there’s pretty much zero chance of me not posting them once I do. January: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_0VWDD58j8 February: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUEFQ2HMmMM March: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_IrozsK1qA We’re having some work done around VC World HQ, but the folks what are scheduling and/or doing it haven’t …

Cop Light Bling

I suppose that in order for the universe to maintain its balance, that for every Lock it or Lose it there must be a Cop Light Bling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9IYyIrGcv0 Yes, this really is the Nova Scotia RCMP parodying Hotline Bling (also a terrible song) in the name of road safety. Nova Scotia RCMP’s music video, ‘Cop …