There’s A Reason Why Yankee Doodle Called A Feather Macaroni. How About That

When I was a kid, I thought that Yankee Doodle was just some stupid song that some adult came up with to keep us busy around campfires for a few minutes. At some point I figured out that the tune dated back at least a couple centuries and had something to do with war, but …

Don’t Have Time To Mess With Telemarketers Yourself? Let A Bot Do It For You

Between the Do Not Call List and dropping our landline last year, I don’t get nearly as many chances to screw around with telemarketers as I used to. But apparently Roger Anderson does, so much so that he felt compelled to build himself a phone answering artificial intelligence bot to automate the process. Anderson, who …

Kids React To A Storytelling Teddy Ruxpin Doll

I know people are pretty upset with the Fine Brothers these days over that time they tried to trademark the groundbreaking idea of showing stuff to people and filming it along with the word react itself, but they seem to have seen sense now plus some of those videos are pretty entertaining, so if they …

Screen-Readers Can Read Captions? This Is A Thing?

So how long have I been under a rock? Please tell me it hasn’t been long. For as far as I can remember, I was sure you couldn’t read the captions that appear on Youtube videos, or any videos for that matter. I figured they were either images burned in, or they just moved too …