That DollarsDirect Commercial. So Damn Catchy

And now, I give you Payday Joe, the catchiest commercial jingle since Dan’s Discount Windows and Doors. It’s been around a while, but I’ve noticed lately that it’s had a resurgence thanks in large part to the Fight Network which seems to have given DollarsDirect a sweetheart deal on approximately 3 trillion ad slots. Anyway, …

Please Stop Sending Money To Televangelists. They’re Ripping You Off And Killing You

I don’t know anyone who’s been conned to a dangerous degree, but I have known people who watch, believe and may have even sent them money a time or two though I can’t prove that last one, only suspect it. Even so, I hope that if hell is a real place, that there’s an extra …

Nelly Furtado’s O Canada Was Not The Worst Thing You’ve Ever Heard, And I Can Prove It

People have been shitting all over it, but to my ears there’s not a thing wrong with the version of O Canada that Nelly Furtado sang at the NBA All-Star game. Is it a bit different? Sure. But it’s not *that* different, and it’s certainly nowhere near as horrifying as people on Twitter made it …

The Yukon Government Has Been Getting Enough D, If D is for Duh

Damn you, Yukon government. I had to pick up Vitamin D today, and I couldn’t do it with a straight face, and it’s all your fault. Yup, your fault. I think I managed to suppress the giggles long enough for the person helping me find it to not wonder what was so funny about Vitamin …

Next Time You’re Struggling Through The LRT Construction, Just Sing This.

Jen sent this to me via Facebook. I was in another town in a hotel, and I laughed, and I laughed, and I laughed. I didn’t stop laughing, because it’s so true for us here in KW with this LRT construction. I tell myself that it’ll be awesome when it’s done…but…until then, sing it, my …

The Long Mystery of the Ontario.Ca/Healthcareoptions commercial has been solved.

For a long time, this cute little commercial would come on TV telling people where they could go for various health care needs. It certainly caught my attention, and I thought, “who could possibly think of turning something as boring as health care options into a musical? but they’re smart.” But there was one line …

Look At Me, Son. You’re On Crime Stoppers

This starts out as basically your run of the mill Crime Stoppers segment, but stick with it. There are theories that this is some kind of viral ad for Coke, but the Coke folk have denied it. And as far as I can tell, I believe them. I might feel differently if this guy had …