Beating The Anti-Vaccers Sure Looks Impossible

Vaccines: An Unhealthy Skepticism An interesting 12 minute video on the history of the anti-vaccer movement and the bad science, lazy reporting, government mistrust, religion and celebrity involvement that let it get so out of hand and lead us to where we are now, in a world where wiped out diseases are back and better …

Smartphones, Religion And Other Things That Suck

Seeing as I’m currently getting sucked down a bit of a YouTube hole over here, have a couple of Lewis Black videos. Even though they pay less money for it than we do, sometimes it’s nice to be reminded that Americans have to deal with the same sorts of shitty corporations if they want phone …

I’m Tea Party Yes I’m The real Party All The Hate And Racism Is Thick And It’s Hearty

I haven’t subjected myself to watching any of the Republican presidential debates because there are levels of stupidity that can short circuit even my brain, but after watching one of them transformed into a rap song through the magic of somebody’s crazy editing skills, I feel like I’m all caught up. This might be largely …

Robert Pearson, Gone Too Soon

Edit: Here’s his obituary. Search for his name…that’s the easiest way to find it. I have to say this because I can’t stop spluttering about it. I looked at my email, and saw one sent to a list I’m on and it was simply entitled “Robert Pearson.” I was going to gloss over it, but …

Remembering The Silent Night, Bloody Night Match. Yes, The One With The Barbed Wire Christmas Tree

I’ve seen some ungodly stupid things in my wrestling fan days, but there was a five year period from about the end of 2006 to late 2011 where TNA was setting new standards in that department. If they weren’t new standards, they were standards not seen since turn of the century WcW. Interestingly, as coincidence …

The Police Are Writing Their Own Festive RIDE Songs Now

It seems that the local police just swiped our gimmick, Carin. The Waterloo Regional Police Service is taking a festive approach to spreading a message of safety this holiday season. Two holiday jingles – one about texting and driving and the other highlighting the decision to not drink and drive – have been set to …