When Accessibility Meets Music, You Get…An Album?

Here’s a little quick something to hopefully get me moving. A week or so ago, Steve found out about this album put out by 13 people who are accessibility keeners, and also like to make music. It’s called Accessibility Rocks, the Web Accessibility album. Each artist has donated a song that they created. The proceeds …

John Oliver Would Really Like You To Vote, But Not For Stephen Harper

The bit about the $5000 fine or the 6 month jail stretch might be a tad overblown since the law as I understand it is that foreigners can’t tangibly influence a Canadian to vote for or against somebody (bribery, basically), but John Oliver’s segment about the Canadian election is still worth a watch. It’s around …

A Musical Plea To Vote

Here’s yet another protest song. So, if you agree, please, please, pleasepleaseplease, please, please please please please get out and vote tomorrow! Don’t make her write any more verses. Did I say please enough? Did I? Even if you don’t agree, get out and vote. And…to whoever wrote this, say what you really think! Don’t …

Great Minds Think Alike, Because We Tell Them To

I understand that political parties have talking points that everyone is supposed to stick to especially around election time, but this is a little much. The video, posted by PressProgress, combined speeches uploaded on YouTube this week by 13 MPs, including GTA MPs Mike Wallance, Wladyslaw Lizon, and John Carmichael. The video includes clips of …