While we’re on the bottle theme, this is also pretty fantastic. I like that we’re talking about autotune and it sounds like they kinda missed a couple of notes in there. I hope that was done on purpose.
Category Archives: videos
I Just Can’t Wait To Play That Lion King Song On A Bunch Of Bottles
I’m always impressed by these things. I can only imagine how much work it must take. Disney’s Lion King on Bottles – by Bottle Boys
Your Sugar? Yes, Please. Don’t You Pour It Down On Me
I don’t understand why people do this sort of thing in the first place, but I especially don’t get it when the victim is a celebrity. Celebrities have security. Security that’s going to be more than happy to whip your ass at a moment’s notice. Adam Levine Attacked by Sugar Bomb while greeting fans after …
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Stephen Harper Isn’t Perfect, Says Stephen Harper
I don’t know how long this Conservative ad has been around, but I hadn’t seen it until the last couple days. Boy, it’s something else. There are a couple of ways to look at this. 1. “Stephen Harper isn’t perfect.” Well, who is, right? That little bit of honesty is kind of refreshing, in a …
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Guide Dog Guide
I wasn’t going to post this, but it won’t leave my head, so up it goes. I guess it was a part of a fund-raising effort in Australia…at least I’m assuming it’s in Australia. Some folks wrote a song about guide dogs being canine superheroes and put it up on iTunes and Amazon and such. …
Quite The Amazing Old City Council Meeting Video
I can’t say I make a habit of watching City Council meetings, so maybe this sort of thing happens all the time. But I bet it doesn’t. This is video from a Thunder Bay City Council meeting in 1981. Was Walter Assef always this nuts or was he just having a bad night? So far …
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Some Of The Worst Goals In The History Of Hockey
Inspired by this shorthanded beauty from centre ice given up by Jonathan Bernier as the Leafs were on their way to franchise record depths of awful last season, Down Goes Brown under his real name made a list of ten of the worst goals in history that can be found on YouTube. Yes Leafs fans, …
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There’s Video Of Last Year’s Tim Hortons Snake Toss
So remember last year when some guy threw a snake at the woman behind the counter in a Tim Hortons? Turns out there’s video of the incident. After watching it, it looks as though the news got the story wrong. It doesn’t look at all like an argument over a food order. It’s more like …
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Jibo: Creepo?
soundtrack time. How I missed putting this in on the post’s first construction, I don’t know. I’ve been meaning to write about this since I saw it, but thankfully I only saw it a couple of months ago, not like some of the things I haven’t managed to write about. One day, someone tweeted that …
If Doing Something Out Of The Ordinary Results In Terrified Screams, Is It A Good Idea?
Watch this commercial with your eyes closed. Seriously. Click the link and close your eyes without seeing the title. I’m not even going to embed this one because I don’t want any cheating. Before the woman starts talking, what the hell do you think is going on? I was sure it was some kind of …