Sodaburst: For When Dumping Pop Into A Glass Of Ice Cream Is Just Too Complicated

Why? Seriously, why? Who was the market for this supposed to be? How much did they charge for this crap? Buying a big tub of ice cream and a few bottles of pop had to work out cheaper, didn’t it? I’ll bet it tasted awful, too. When your float instructions include just add tap water, …

Vince McMahon, David Letterman And The Late Night Baby

Vince McMahon on Late Night with David Letterman This started going around when Dave was leading up to his last show. I had no idea it existed. Funny stuff. I still can’t believe he’s retired. I haven’t seen the last show yet because I’m old, had to be up early and nobody in this country …

From The Guys Who Brought You The Conference Calls In Real Life…

Here’s another thing I’ve been meaning to post. Remember the conference calls in real life video? Well apparently these people did more of these. So, I give you Email in Real Life. I wonder if there are more of these. I can’t decide if I like the Nigerian guy, all the me too’s, the broken …

I Blame Twitter For This Song Being In My Head

It seems the topic of vasectomy has come up a bunch on my Twitter timeline…don’t ask me why. But because everybody seems to be talking about it, they put this Bowser and Blue song in my head. Well at least it’s a good song. And now you can all have it in your heads too. …

People Actually Say Some Of These Wrong?

Here is a video about 79 words everyone gets wrong. I was feeling pretty good…but then along came officially, mauve and crepe, and maybe lava and pasta. I knew about forte but if I said it like “fort”, everyone would look at me funny. And there’s no friggin way I would say Wikipedia like wee-kee-pedia. …

Sharon, Belois And Bram

Yes, I know that was an evil title, but come on, I was trying to decide between that and Skinnamarinky Doom, also evil. In all seriousness, I was sad to read that Lois lilienstein of “Sharon, Lois and Bram, passed away. She was 78. Somehow that seems impossible. Here’s a short video about them, even …