Black Friday Body Count: The Best Of 2014

Circumstances didn’t let me do the proper Black Friday thing last year, but that doesn’t mean that such an important occasion should be allowed to pass without even the tiniest bit of fanfare. So to save me doing the hard work myself, I shall give you Gawker’s collection of the best of the season, complete …

Bill Burr On Letting Go Of Religion

Bill Burr is a name I’ve heard, but don’t know well. But based on this clip from one of his TV specials, I may have to get more familiar. He makes a good point. It’s a lucky thing for religions that they get to tell their stories to kids, because who the hell’s going to …

As We Start A New Year, Let’s Look At Something Really Old.

So, Happy New Year and stuff. I really hope 2015 is better. Unfortunately, 2014 couldn’t leave without giving us one last vigourous kick in the gut before it signed off. I’ll let Steve talk more about that, since, out of the two of us, he was the one who got most violently smacked about by …

Why Does Jit Go Ham In The Dollar Store?

This is just messed up. Apparently, this little kid totally ripped up a dollar store and nobody stopped him. I don’t know what’s funnier, the idea of a kid going apeshit in a dollar store and no one stopping him, or the…um…commentary? Of the narrator. Wonder what that kid will end up like when he …

Video Of The 1971 Bruno Sammartino Ivan Koloff Title Change

Ivan Koloff vs. Bruno Sammartino Yes, this is the match from 1971 where Ivan wins the title. The one Bruno talks about in all of his interviews. I was under the impression that footage of it didn’t exist because the WWWF didn’t film it. But somebody outside of the company (probably a fan) did, and …

If You’ve Ever Wanted To Scratch A Cassette Tape, Then You’ll Probably Want A ScrubBoard

When I was a kid, I spent quite a while being fascinated by the record scratching in rap music. I wanted to figure out how to do it, but I didn’t have many of my own records and the only turntable we had was hooked to the old family stereo system in the living room. …