To All The People Out There Just Like Bob Here…

This sensitivity training video is pretty awesome. I’d love to know what happens at one point where the woman goes “I’ve got ya,” and then the other woman screams. I get the general message, but I’d love to know if she just got grabbed and heaved onto a bus or some other ridiculous thing. I …

The Ladder Match That Probably Brought Us Every Great Ladder Match Of This Century

While you wait for one of us to have the time/energy/brain power to post something of substance (after 11 years you should know better), enjoy this ladder match from 1999. I just finished watching it for the first time since then and it’s still pretty amazing. Even more amazing is that after all these years, …

I’d Recommend Asking Dad To Help You With An Engineering Project Instead

Somebody tweeted out this video, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. I think, if one of us was the kid in the video doing a school project, and was asking these questions, this video would embody the exact response we’d get from our dad. Well, he’d probably swear less and come up with more colourful …

Way To Be, Tipshit

Tempting as it may be, you’re not supposed to tip over a portable toilet to get someone out of it, officers. Four officers from the Memphis Police Department have been suspended after pushing over the portable potty. Inside was 31-year-old Joseph Hampton, whom the cops suspected of criminal trespass and evading arrest. As he stepped …

Help Tim Raise Some Funds So He Can Raise up Some Heavy Things In Korea Next May!

I was just scrolling through Twitter, and I saw a tweet that says “Help Tim get to Korea.” It was retweeted by Blind Sports, so I thought maybe it’s our buddy Tim… … And it was! Tim has definitely starred in a few New Years party stories along the way. He’s a good guy and …

Even Amongst The Ridiculousness Of TNA, Scott Steiner Somehow Manages To Stand Out

If you watch a lot of wrestling, all I think I need to say is this: Scott Steiner TNA promo compilation. As for the rest of you, there’s really no explaining this. I’m sorry. Whether it’s TNA, WCW or pretty much anywhere else, how much of this is character and how much is him just …

I Am Intolerant Of Your Intolerance, Sir

I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel after reading and watching this, but when it was over I was left a little more proud of humanity than I was when I started, so nice job, random Hamilton bus stop people. In the wake of Nathan Cirillo’s shooting death in Ottawa, a Mississauga-based filmmaker …

No, This Isn’t A Scene From A Movie

Here’s a video describing the final exchange of fire between the ottawa shooter and the Sergeant-at-Arms. So I guess this is why there were pictures going around on Twitter saying “Don’t mess with the Sergeant-at-Arms.” Yeah I’ll say. Holy crap! He’s some kind of gun ninja! I feel sorry for the librarian…that must have been …