Your Policies Are Garbage. Why Don’t You Join Them

There are plenty of aspects of foreign culture that can feel free to merrily stay right where they are. But this thing where an angry mob comes together to dump one of its country’s shitty politicians into a dumpster? Canada ought to think about importing that one. The victim, such as he is, is Vitaly …

It Looks Like Hitchbot Made It

Remember when I wrote about Hitchbot? Remember how I was afraid he wasn’t going to make it? It looks like he made it! I saw pictures that said he was there, followed by tweets that said he wasn’t quite there yet. But at any rate, if he’s not there, he’s super close! I have to …

The NRA May Or May Not Want Me And My Fellow Blindlings To Carry Guns, Because The NRA Is Ridiculous

Being one, I strongly believe that 99 times out of 100, blind people are much more competent in just about every aspect of life than the general public gives us credit for. Every day, blind people all over the world are completing tasks ranging from the mundane to the insane unhurt and without incident. But …

If You Have 20 Minutes And You Like Wrestling, Watch Bret Hart And Mr. Perfect From Summerslam 91 Again, Because It’s Still Awesome

In 1991, I hadn’t been watching wrestling for very long. We’ll say 6…no, make that 7 years. Yeah, that’s about right. And back then I did a lot of my watching on tape, usually having an idea of what I should be looking out for based on what whoever loaned me the video or wrote …

Kids React To Even More Stuff

Apparently I’m behind on my kids reacting to stuff. Here are kids reacting to old computers, like maybe my old apple? and Game Boys. Kids really have a problem with having to put media in side devices. Walkman? computer? typewriter? game boy? It’s really weird to think about how that’s changed. I never thought about …