A Non-Inspirational Inspirational TED Talk

I saw this tweeted as I was coming home on the bus the other day…who knows why I was looking at Twitter while riding the bus, but there I was. I watched it, and thought “hey, this is totally what we’ve been saying in different forms in the blind guy user’s manual over the years.” …

Another Little Kid Takes On YYZ And Crushes It

And now, here’s Rush’s YYZ, but with a twist. That twist? The drummer is 7 years old. Yes, the 6-year-old from a couple years ago has some competition. Yup, you might as well go have a beer now. You’re not doing anything better than this today. And if you happen to get the urge to …

Voting, Accessible Voting And A Voting Song Of Questionable Enjoyability

We spent a decent little chunk of time a few weeks back on different versions of Jolene. It was fun, so let’s revisit it, shall we? Only this time we’ll do so in topical parody form, because of course there would be a version made for the upcoming Ontario election. I wonder who this guy’s …

A Bad Song About How Good The Blue Jays Were In The 80’s

I saw this over on Toronto Mike and wondered why I didn’t remember it. But as I listened, it didn’t take long to figure out why. If I’d even heard it before today, wouldn’t I want to forget it? It’s pretty terrible. The Ballad of Jesse and George The description on this wonders whether the …

That’s The Sound Of Da Police…Having A Meeting With Management

Is it common for British police to ride around town with music blasting through the loudspeakers of their cruisers? It’s not something I think I’ve ever seen here in Canada. But common or not, I’d have figured there’d be about 3 billion songs give or take that they’d want to choose as a soundtrack before …