George Stroumboulopoulos On Hockey Night In Canada Probably Isn’t The End Of The World

There’s been a lot of negative reaction to the announcement this week that George Stroumboulopoulos will be the new host of Hockey Night in Canada starting next season when Rogers takes over the rights to all things NHL in Canada. That deal never should have been allowed by the way, since the marriage of Rogers …

What’s In The Seven Day Forecast?

This pretty well sums up everything about this stupid weather. RMR: Seven Day Forecast Carin and I were actually just talking about that, how whenever you see the long range forecast there’s always a glimmer of hope in it right near the end…one that moves further away the closer it gets. It really does feel …

Hoaxing The Media With Chef Keith

Have you ever come across one of those cooking segments on TV and either thought quietly to yourself or said aloud “Gross! What the fuck is that supposed to be?” If yes, congratulations. You have an eye more critical than that of producers and hosts employed by at least 5 television news departments. Nick Prueher, …

Memories Of Romper Room

Here’s another one of those CKCO web extras. A nice, long clip from Romper Room. I have 0 recollection of Cowbells the Clown, but I do remember watching Romper Room every day I could and wishing that my nursery school could be on TV like theirs. And does anybody else remember paying special attention at …

CKCO Gives Us 60 Years Of News In 3 Minutes…Kind Of

I got a bit behind thanks to some nasty weather-related migraines, but I think I’m going to be ok. I’m not perfect yet, but I can be in a position other than lying down for more than a few minutes at a time, so that’s gotta be a good sign…I hope. So anyway, here’s another …

CKCO Remembers The Good Old Days Of Local TV

Here’s the second part of CKCO’s series on its history. It’s a fun one, looking at some of the shows produced by the station over the years, back when local programming was an actual thing that existed rather than the tired marketing cry of massive corporations that don’t feel like they make enough money that …