I’m cursed to be followed by this Belvita commercial. The thing is way too catchy…and it’s too easy to start singing it while you’re trying to get things done. But 2 things: If she’s supposed to be so energized by these biscuits, why does she sound like she’s half dead? And, why at the end …
Category Archives: videos
A Belated Happy 40th Birthday To Global Television
I didn’t realize it, but Global Television turned 40 this year. It signed on on January 6th, 1974. Here’s a video history it put together on itself when it turned 25. Neat to see all that old footage, some of it for the first time. First 25 years of Global Television By the way, does …
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Lean Forward…And Silence The Woman Talking About Important Things
Yesterday, I got to be impressed with our local CTV news for the first time in a while. I was worried leading up to 6 o’clock that they would lead with Justin Bieber because he’s from around here, but instead they went with things much more important (the Quebec seniors’ home fire, to be specific). …
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Why ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas Is A Stupid, Stupid Poem
This is either a way too late or ridiculously early Christmas post. However you choose to look at it, enjoy. It’s amusing. Alan Cross Dissects The Night Before Christmas
The TSA’s 12 Banned Items Of Christmas
Yeah, this is kind of a christmas themed video, but is there ever a bad time to point out how stupid the TSA’s can and cannot take on the flight with you rules are? The TSA’s 12 Banned Items of Christmas
Here, Have A Best Of 2013 News Blooper Compilation
Complete with a couple of appearances from Rob Ford, it’s your 15 minute 2013 news blooper reel! Seriously, Rob Ford vs. the camera is the reason our ancestors invented television. It’s a fact. Look it up. Note: Video stops around 7 minutes in for an overly lengthy commercial, but keep watching.
The Rapid Packing Container: A Way To Make Cardboard Boxes Suck Less
There are a lot of complicated problems in the world that need solving, but even so, I’m glad there are still folks out there working on the simple ones. For instance, how do we take some of the pain in the ass factor out of the everyday cardboard box? The anser may come in the …
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Not Only Is This Kid Better Than You At Music, He Gets To Play It In Front Of A Big Crowd With A Cool Band
How awesome would it be to be good at stuff? Good at stuff the way music playing kids like Aidan Fisher are good at stuff. Watch as this 11-year-old boy absolutely shreds the living crap out of some Van Halen with a little help from the band Steel Panther during a concert that took place …
Bill Hicks’ Nearly Lost 1993 Late Show With David Letterman Performance
This is really cool, and one of the reasons why when I’m actually up watching a late night talkshow, it’s always Letterman. Bill Hicks performed on his show many times during his career, but for some reason, Dave had an appearance he made in late 1993 removed from the show, never to be seen. As …
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World’s Fastest Guitarist?
Assuming there’s no digital trickery at work here which I will since I trust the source, wholly freaking crap. That is all. Fastest Guitarist In The World , Vahid Iran Shahi