There are a lot of things that can present problems for people at this time of year. Eating too much, drinking too much, spending too much, traveling too much, getting stuck in washing machines too much…wait, what was that last one? Naked Aussie Freed From Washer With Olive Oil The 20-year-old man, identified only as …
Category Archives: videos
Another Reminder Not To Eat Everything You See, Kids
My guess is that this is what happens when you watch the Don’t Put It In Your Mouth PSA after you’ve already mistaken pills for candy. I’ve never seen this version of Don’t Put It In Your Mouth, by the way. The only one I remember is the shorter one. It’s especially weird not to …
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Run And Spill My Curly Fries, Run And Spill My Curly Fries…
How about a soundtrack? Good luck getting that out of your head. And the Newsroom 11 intro at the end just made me feel every bit of old that the commercial hadn’t already gotten around to. Now on to business. Pretty much immediately, we get a good sense that there’s something not quite right about …
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Black Friday Body Count: Nobody Used A Taser. It Could Have Been Another Brand
The nice people in PR say things weren’t so bad, there was no Taser and no need to be alarmed, but a video and some witnesses make it seem a whole lot like a woman stun gunned another woman during an early morning fight at the Franklin Mills Mall in Philadelphia. “It started out, one …
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Black Friday Body Count: 2 More Walmart Riot Videos
Time for a couple videos. First up, Black Friday Madness – Fort Worth, TX Watch as people plow over each other and display shelves in pursuit of…something or other. Oh, and be sure to listen for the woman with the heart problem. Next, something amazing but in no way surprising. Black Friday 2013: Walmart Kicked …
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Black Friday Body Count: Canadian Black Friday Is Lame, As Is Fighting Over TVs
Good morning everyone, and welcome to the annual shopping craze that’s sweeping the United States and because we have to do everything they do but with the sad and lame factor cranked up to 11, Canada. Yes, it’s Black Friday. And yes, we have it in Canada now. I don’t know what it’s like in …
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It’s Not Like These Things Ever Get Old, So Here Are The Best News Bloopers Of 2012
Since for whatever reason today seems to be a day for digging up fun things from last year, have nearly 14 minutes of 2012’s best news bloopers. The first clip has trouble written all over it from the get go, the last one will make you do the headdesk thing, and in between there’s all …
Watch As I Ruin A Perfectly Fine Onion Article By Relating It To WWE’s Awfulness
I feel like this Onion story is probably pretty close to what it must be like to work for WWE. CEO Has Special Knack For Recognizing Great Ideas And Ruining Them BALTIMORE—Employees at local technology firm Halverson Enterprises remarked to reporters Monday that CEO Peter Weathers, 61, has an extraordinary gift for discovering great ideas …
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Is Silent More Deadly?
Now that we’ve figured out why there are so many dashboard video cameras in the vehicles of Russia, let’s take on another of life’s most burning questions. Are silent farts really more deadly than the loud ones or is that something somebody said one time and it caught on? Remember, people go to school to …
A Very Late Goodbye To Sean Keane
I was just sitting here, Googling a few comedians who’s names I hadn’t heard in a while to see what they were up to, when I stumbled on something one of them had written about a Sean Keane tribute show. Uh-oh, tribute show? That doesn’t sound good. So I immediately switched my focus to Googling …