Good News: I’ve Finally Seen The Exploding Whale Video. Bad News: Because The Guy Who Blew It Up Died

Back in the 90’s, well before I was doing anything online, I had a few friends who were. And one of the things I clearly remember one of them merrily telling me all about was a video simply known as the Exploding Whale. It sounded awesome. So awesome that I made a mental note to …

A Dog That Loves Bath Time?

Today, Tansy got her second bath she’s gotten while she’s been with me. Man, is she ever easier to bathe than Trix. She hates getting in, and will fight tooth and nail to stay out of there, but once she’s in, she’s good as gold. I still appreciated having Steve there to keep the curtain …

If You’ve Never Seen Bret Hart Win The World Title From Ric Flair In Saskatoon, Here You Go

I’ll always remember how shocked my 12-year-old self was when it turned on wrestling one weekend in 1992 and heard the news that Bret Hart had beaten Ric Flair for the WWF title a few days earlier on a show in Saskatoon. It wasn’t just shocking because there was a new world champion and at …

This iPad Is Broken. All That Comes Up On The Screen Is A Picture Of Some Idiot

You guys aren’t going to believe this. Yet another person bought an iPad from some dude at a gas station. And wonder of wonders, it wasn’t really an iPad. I know, it’s shocking! This $200 trunk bargain turned out to be a mirror dressed up like an iPad. Victim (I hate using that word in …

We Live In A Busy Society, So It’s Nice Of The Fireworks People To Get Things Over With Quickly

Remember that time when 18 minutes worth of San Diego fireworks display went off in 15 seconds? Apparently 2012 was a bad year for that, because here’s video of something similar happening in Scotland a few months later. This one was said to have been the result of a rocket misfiring and bouncing into all …

Some Thoughts After Watching Bound For Glory

Since I took the time to predict the thing, I should probably talk about bound for Glory. I’m glad I bought it, but it really didn’t feel like the biggest show of the year. Nothing was awful and some of it was quite good, but if we’re measuring it by the standards of Wrestlemania in …

I Just Learned A New Baseball Rule

Two people have just learned something. Me, and Vinnie Catricala of the Midland RockHounds baseball team. That thing? It is possible to strike out on just 1 pitch. Turns out there’s a rule covering this, but it’s so rarely enforced that almost no one who doesn’t study these things day in and day out knows …