I haven’t seen a Key of Awesome video in a while, which makes it even funnier that I just happened to find this one right after finishing the last post. Start A Mumford Band! Key of Awesome #71 Hilarious.
Category Archives: videos
People Falling Off Of Ladders On TV
Aside from the one doing the falling, who doesn’t like a good video of someone falling off of a ladder on live television? So here’s Nick Collins of Sky Sports doing just that while reporting on a soccer match. Maybe there’s something I’m not seeing in his face, but when the feed cuts back to …
Memories Of Dave Nichol
When I was a kid, you couldn’t turn on a TV in Canada without seeing Dave Nichol in ads pushing the new President’s Choice Memories of something or other. He was everywhere…until he disappeared. I can’t remember when those commercials suddenly stopped (I want to say mid 90’s), but it’s been a long time. But …
Some iOS 7 Annoyances And How To Fix Them
The invitation to upgrade to iOS 7 has been sitting on my phone for a few days now, but I still haven’t bothered. Partly because headaches, partly because I’m going away soon and the last thing I need is a phone that doesn’t work and partly because I want time to read things like this …
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We Regret The Error, The June Edition
The geniuses at Deadspin have struck some serious gold with this one. They’ve started a feature called We Regret The Error, which compiles mistakes and the subsequent apologies that air on local newscasts. Amazingly (not really all that amazingly if you’ve watched the 6 o’clock news for any length of time), there are so many …
Breaking News From CTV. It Was Hot Yesterday, You Guys! And We Can Even Show You Why!
So here’s one of the more embarrassingly stupid and useless things I’ve happened to catch on the news in a while. Not only is the hot weather a major story on the *local* newscast as if anybody living in the area is going to be caught completely off guard by it should they fail to …
Hello, NSA? I Lost An Email. Can You Guys Find It For Me?
Bahram Sadeghi has made one of the better prank phone calls of the past several years. The other day he got an email, and he permanently deleted it totally by accident. He’d really like to get it back, but not even the people at “the internet shop” can recover it. But since it’s such an …
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A Day In The Life Of Nord The Barbarian
I didn’t get to see much of the AWA when I was growing up, so until now I was sadly unaware of the existence of this get to know Nord the Barbarian skit. Unlike most of today’s wrestling comedy written by the rooms full of Hollywood types employed by WWE, this is actually funny. Part …
For At Least One Night, Being At An Astros Game Wasn’t The Worst Thing About Being At An Astros Game
If Houston Astros fans are an actual species that exists in the wild, I would like to apologize to them for not getting to this before now. I would especially like to apologize if any of them are the type to enjoy a cold, refreshing snow cone at the game now and then. After watching …
Trixie and Tansy Meet, And We Get Video
Hi. It’s me. You know, the one who never writes anymore? I have a metric boatload of ideas for posts. Who knows how many I’ll get through…but here goes. I’d said a while back that Trixie and Tansy had met, and the meeting wasn’t the most wonderful. Well, they’ve since had 2 more meetings, and …