If You’ve Ever Complained About A Slow Waiter, You Can Now Have Your Head Taken Off By A Helicopter Instead

We’ve got a beer delivering drone, so why not an iPad controlled food delivering helicopter? UK-based chain Yo! Sushi is testing an airborne “flying waiter” that could soon be used to deliver orders to customers. To celebrate the release of its Yo! Burger, the company has created the iTray, an iPad-controlled food delivery drone that …

Yes, There’s Definitely Sum Ting Wong Here

I don’t know what the names of the crew aboard Asiana flight 214 are, but I’m pretty sure I know what they aren’t. Really, we’re not racist. Some of our best friends are Asian pilots. Indeed, to the surprise of no one other than the KTVU news team who apparently don’t bother reading anything aloud …

People Better At Music Than You: Tina The Van Halen Playing 14-Year-Old

This is completely ridiculous. And for a change, I mean that in the nicest of ways. What you’re about to watch is somebody playing the absolute king jesus hell out of Eddie Van Halen’s Eruption solo. You know, the one you hear right before the cover of You Really Got Me. But it’s not just …

You May Always Love Them, But They Won’t Always Love You Back

I’ve heard of all kinds of people being thrown off of planes for things like getting drunk or threatening fellow passengers. But for singing I Will Always Love You over and over again? That’s a new one. According to reports she began her endless rendition of the divisive tune shortly after the flight took off. …

The Irresistible Force Meets The Immovable Object

I grew up watching wrestling, often hearing Gorilla Monsoon describe confrontations as “the irresistible force meets the immovable object.” Sometimes I would hear this and wonder to myself, what would it be like if that were actually true? And now, after all these years, I think I have my answer. Thank you, science. Spoiler: It …

Interesting Premise: The User Is Drunk

A colleague found this at work and sent it to a bunch of us. After laughing, I thought it was great. Not all of it applies to accessibility, i.e. Facebook chat is awesome? I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s that rockin’ for people who don’t use the computer in the conventional way. But …

Deer Crossing Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

My sister sent me this Please Move The Deer Crossing video a while ago, but I kept forgetting about it and losing it among the far too many messages in my completely ridiculous inbox. Part of the reason is that I was sure it had to be a fake. Her description made it sound like …