Things You Didn’t Know You Wanted To Know: What Type Of Electric Shock Hurts More

Time for a little early morning science. If you’re anything like me, well, first of all I’m sorry, but more importantly for our purposes at the moment, you’re probably too busy yelling things like “Ahh son of a whore!” when you manage to give yourself a shock to wonder if AC or DC electricity hurts …

The Best Deathmatch Ever

For the longest time I’ve been hearing about something called Inter Species Wrestling, but until this morning I had never seen it. Now that I have, I must say I approve. Well, I approve of this Fans Bring the Lego, winner eats the loser deathmatch between Moohammad the Terrorist Cow and Flip D. Berger, at …

Why They Say Don’t Try This At Home

Since I spent more of my childhood than may be healthy doing this kind of crap, this is totally hilarious. JG’s Ten Wrestling Moves That Really Hurt When You Try Them At Home Looking back, I’m amazed I wasn’t mamed or killed. Partly because the blind kid wanted to learn how the moves worked and …

Rappin’ For Jesus. This Can’t Be Real, Can It?

As I said on Twitter where I first saw it, I really don’t want this Rappin’ for Jesus video to be fake, but I have a feeling it probably is. but the fact that it’s only a feeling and not a sure thing is interesting. What does it say about how out of touch with …

The Wrong Kind Of Accessibility Advocate

In his current form, Matt Wozenilek is the exact kind of person the accessibility movement doesn’t need. I thought so when I first heard is name a few years ago, and I think so now. Have a look at the story and accompanying video here and see if you see what I see. What I …