Don’t Be So Hard On The Natives. They Really Should Be Idle No More

This is a pretty powerful video. If you’ve seen the Idle No More coverage on the news or been held up by one of the protests and haven’t understood it or even worse, felt the need to shit on the damned Indians responsible, you need to watch it. It might not change you, but it’s …

Black Friday Body Count: More Riot Videos And A Mostly Unrelated Bit About The Grey Cup, Just Because I Can

To the list of those with a Black Friday riot video compilation we can now add Canoe. Some of these you may have already seen if you’ve been following along, but there’s some new stuff, like a couple of stampedes at Victoria’s Secret. Psssst, I know what the secret is, Victoria. Your customers are retarded. …

Black Friday Body Count: Play-Doh. For Real

A website called Strange Beaver is also gathering Black Friday videos. I wish my blind self could access the videos, because I’d really like to see the Play-Doh Pillage. I think that blows towels out of the water. In other news, I’ve made the beginnings of a Black Friday category. I’m sure Carin and her …

Black Friday Body Count: Who Fights Over Towels? Women At Walmart, That’s Who!

Gawker has compiled some more riot videos. Interestingly, every single one of them was shot at a Walmart. I don’t know if this is a post that will stand on its own or if they’re updating it as the day goes bye, but there’s enough here to keep you going for a while. People are …

Black Friday Body Count: The Day’s First Bargain Brawl Video

This is video from a Walmart (surprise surprise) in a place called Moultrie, Georgia. It shows “people” (that’s in quotes for a reason) battling it out over…something or other. Somebody in the comments over on Fark says it looks like gaming systems, but honestly, does it really matter?

The Reason For The Season?

For a number of reasons, I’m not at all what you’d call religious. I do, however, do my best to embrace the holiday spirit even if sometimes it isn’t the easiest thing to do. I enjoy spending time with friends and family, exchanging gifts, watching Christmas specials, sipping cider (hard or regular) while sitting by …