If I’d held off posting the Mario clarinets for a couple of minutes, I could have included a version by an entire freakin orchestra. The London Philharmonic Orchestra, to be precise. Ahh well, better late than never, right?
Category Archives: videos
Clarinet Mario
Let’s see. We’ve had Violin Mario and Bluegrass Mario, so how about the Super Mario Brothers theme as performed by a Clarinet Quartet? Hey, why not?
One More Reason To Support Gay Marriage
If the whole civil rights and all people are created equal bit isn’t good enough for you and you’re still convinced that the world will go straight to the firey pits of hell if gays are allowed to get married, there’s yet another reason to rethink your point of view. If I were a closed-minded …
YYZ As Drummed By A 6-Year-Old
It’s been a while, but I’ve finally found another one of those music playing little kids of whom we can all sit around and be jealous. This is Rush’s YYZ. The drummer on this version is 6. I agree. Let’s all just go back to bed. This kid wins.
The Problems With First Past The Post Voting Explained
The other day at work, for some reason, we got talking about the whole First Past the Post electoral system. One of my coworkers mentioned a video aboutwhat’s bad about first past the post systems as illustrated by fictitious animal kingdom candidates. Kind of a neat, easy to understand video. Enjoy.
The Best Anti-Bullying Strategy Is Using What We Already Have, Not Having The Government Study A New One
I’ve been thinking on and off about maybe sitting down and writing a little something about the calls for the government to institute some kind of national anti-bullying strategy. No, I don’t think it’s a good idea. You can’t legislate the normal types of human socialization that go on as we’re growing up. We already …
So That’s Why They All Played The Same Guitar!
I’ve seen a few parodies of this Walk Off the Earth thing, but this is the first one I’ve laughed at.
What a Nice Happy song! Oh my!
I’m in a strange strange mood this morning. So you get my strange strange musings. I was riding into work with a coworker yesterday and he had the French CBC radio station on…and an old song came on that I hadn’t heard in years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4T5TOXnnXg It got me thinking about my impressions of this song …
A Cute Little Guide Dog Song/Video
I warn anyone who has an ear for music, they might want to run screaming from the video I’m about to put up. But I couldn’t resist. Some guide dog instructors got cute and made a video called I’m Your Guide Dog, So Trust Me Baby. You know, Call Me Maybe? Trust Me Baby? Har? …
RIM Speedwagon
I want Research In Motion to do well, I really do. You all know how I feel about competition in marketplaces, plus RIM, in its day, was one of the greatest innovators in cell phone history and easily could be again. Oh, and we can’t forget that they’re a huge part of the local economy …