Am I the only one who finds the sound of baby goats to be creepy as hell?
Category Archives: videos
Mister Chicken Is the Best, Most Annoying Thing
A while back, one of the nephews somehow came into a bit of his own money and decided he was going to buy himself a present. That present was a fair-sized and very loud rubber chicken from Canadian Tire. He named it Squawky, which no one who met him would argue was not a good …
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The Best News Bloopers Of June, 2023, So They Say
Maybe it’s today’s extra screwy sleep schedule (Carin had to be up at 2 in the morning which meant I did too), but I can’t say I enjoyed this round all that much. My highlight is the two anchors short circuiting while trying to get through the storm report, but your mileage may vary. I …
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A Collection Of Summertime News Bloopers
It’s a great day to pull the shorts off, head out the door and take a dump near a buttload of tourists.
Say It Right!
This gets pretty weird by the end, but it kind of made me laugh because I have an old friend who says “melk” and I’ve always thought that was strange since he can pronounce everything else.
May 2023s Best News Bloopers
Is a fear of butterflies a common thing? And on the subject of butterflies, maybe it’s just Carin and I, but does anyone who comes from around KW/Guelphish remember the commercial for I want to say the Butterfly Conservatory with the little kid at the end saying “A butterfly might land on you!”? And if …
The First Two Plus Hours Of MTV’s Launch Day
I’m pretty sure that today is the first day in my life that I’ve watched MTV. I don’t remember seeing it on any of my trips to the States or during visits with the various friends and family who had the cool old big ass satellite dishes. And no, I’m not counting the useless Canadian …
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Anything But Boring: The Journey Home
So off we go. neerome! Wee! Can you tell I’m on the plane? Yup. Dom cruised through the airport with no trouble. Ok, he might have slurped a TSA agent but hey! He was petting, er, patting him down! We went through the metal detectors and only metal-covered Domino set them off. But when they …
Anything But Boring: Watch Carin And Domino Graduate
Well…she made it. Today is the day that Carin and Domino officially graduate from guide dog class. If you’d like, you can watch along as they do. At 1:30 Pacific, 4:30 Eastern (the rest of you can figure that out for yourselves), the ceremony will be streaming live on YouTube. Assuming that everything works like …
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April 2023s Best News Bloopers
“Unfathomable” is kind of hard to say. Almost as hard as “statistical significance” or “anonymous usage statistics.” This has been Steve makes a joke that only Carin will understand.