The urge struck us to do some more audio, so here we are. We had a lot of fun doing this one. It started with me not saying go at the right moment. Woops. Welcome to me not being a good record button-pusher. Then we just rambled about the awesome weather, the Blue Jays winning …
Category Archives: videos
Long Weekend Audio: The First Of Many Casts
Well…our first audio is up. We had hoped to have it up last night, but we kind of fell over after we finished recording it. The file got uploaded to the server, but hell if I was going to write the post around it. So I’m writing it this morning. Poor Steve had to start …
Continue reading “Long Weekend Audio: The First Of Many Casts”
Why Don’t We Do It In The Road?
Oh…my…freakin…lord!2 Teens Hit By Car While Sunbathing. “Yikes,” you’re thinking to yourself. “Those poor girls! What sort of drunken maniac drives that far off the street and hits a couple of poor, innocent kids?” The answer, I’m sorry to report, is nobody. What that headline there fails to mention is that these two nimrods were …
You Stupid, Stupid Kids!
Ug. Just…seriously. Say these kids are young all you want, but that’s no excuse. Us smart ones had this train shit nailed down at the exact moment mom and dad taught us about looking both ways for cars. The thought process went a little something like this: Oh damn, those things move fast. Ok, I’ll …
A Musical Reminder To Carin As She Gets Ready To Take Trixie For Her Physical
This will only make complete sense to two people, and we both live here. The rest of you can feel free to enjoy the music, though.
A Bunch Of News Bloopers, Just Because
These are always fun and it’s been a little while since I’ve seen one, so here’s a random tv news blooper reel. If this 2 and a half minutes teaches us anything, it’s that man, newspeople sure think about sex a lot.
Happy Birthday To Canada’s Polka King
Since I posted last, I’ve been trying to think of a reason to embed a YouTube video to make sure that Blogger and the steaming inaccessible pile it calls a streamlined interface didn’t break that along with everything else to which it has laid waste. Thankfully I didn’t have to think too hard, since this …
A Few Fun Practical Jokes
If you’re looking for new and fun ways to mess with somebody and need some ideas, perhaps some of these may be to your liking. I’ve used the sneeze one before, it’s almost always fun.
Goodbye, Dick Clark
I guess Dick Clark really does age after all. According to all sorts of reports, he suffered a massive heart attack this morning and died at the age of 82. Dick Clark was another one of those broadcasters that you don’t see much of anymore. The type who could host pretty well anything and seem …
Goodbye, Gord Paynter
One of the last things I heard as I fell asleep to the sound of Carin looking at Twitter last night was that Gord Paynter, the only professional blind comedian I know of, suffered a stroke and died Monday. He was just 57. It was sad news not just because 57 is a pretty young …