Please Continue To Let Somebody Do The Holding For You

The reasons for me to finally cave and invest in a phone much smarter than my current one have been piling up for a while now, and here’s another one. Calling customer service usually involves a kink in my shoulder, bad jazz flute music, and lots of waiting. I’ve decided that I’ve got better things …

From The Makers Of SOPA And A Bunch Of Other Dicks, It’s ACTA!

One thing that’s been lost in all the talk about SOPA and PIPA and their dangers is that they aren’t the only pieces of poorly thought out and unimaginably damaging policy being hashed out by industry and world governments. If you’ve never heard of it, meet ACTA, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. It’s got all the …

Logic: A Deadly Weapon To Religion

Here’s a pretty awesome video of the amazing atheist taking apart another guy’s poem. You’d never believe this was 14 minutes. And the funny part is if this guy was religious, he’d probably be an awesome preacher. In 14 minutes, he managed to say a hell of a lot more than I did in this …

5 People+1 Guitar = A Pretty Cool Cover

It’s been a bit of a long day and words are kinda failing me for some reason, so the best description I can come up with for this is that it’s quite great. I’ve never heard the original song, but this cover makes it sound pretty good. But the thing that really puts it over …

What Should You Do?

This video that came from a show called “What Would You Do?” has been floating around in my head for a while. Basically the show thinks of situations that make people feel all kinds of uncomfortable, then gets actors to play them out and watches what passing Joe Blows do about what’s happening. The subject …

It’s The New Curse At You & Me Interactive Play & Giggle Triplet Dolls!

I have to ask. The people freaking out because they think the talking toy they bought for their kids is swearing a blue streak phenomenon, is that a new thing or have I somehow managed to miss it up until maybe five or six years ago? Whatever the case, it’s happened again. This time, the …

You Deserve A Hashbrown To The Face Today

The calendar may have changed from the old year to the new, but some things will always stay the same. There will, for instance, always be another person getting pissed off and making it known by throwing an order back at a restaurant worker. The incident, which was captured by a restaurant surveillance camera, occurred …

Welcome To The WWF Fun Time Singalong

Earlier today I wrote about how much better wrestling used to be compared to much of what we see these days. I was not, however, so blinded by nostalgia as to completely brush aside the fact that not everything back then was great. In fact, there was a whole lot of stuff that was really, …

Wrestling Sure Used To Be Great

Update: I just found the interview Jake did after the Elizabeth slapping. I remember it having more of an effect on me back then than it does now, but back then I was in shock that this nutcase seriously just hit Elizabeth. Since Carin’s last Christmas present to me turned out to be some form …