If Jaws Was A Disney Movie

A fellow by the name of Caleb Hepler noticed that all of those Free Willy giant sea creature movies are pretty much the same. Big friendly sea creature, happiness, a bad guy or two…you know the drill. So to make a statement or perhaps just because he had a few hours to kill, he thought …

I Was Wondering If You Could Help Me

This is the kind of thing I wish I’d thought of years ago and may have to try at some point. You and a friend write shopping lists full of nonsense items for each other. Neither of you know what’s on your list until you start asking questions. Yes, asking questions. With list in hand, …

I’m Not Sure Why I Wrote This

There’s snow outside. Not a lot of it, but it’s honest to god snow, the stuff that sticks to the ground. I’m not impressed because I really can’t stand winter anymore, but I know it’s only going to get worse. Hopefully not so much worse that the services of the military are required like they …

That Time When The Rockers Kind Of Became Tag Team Champions For A Minute

People ask me wrestling questions a lot, and most of the time I like to think I’m pretty decent at either answering them myself or finding somebody who can/has. But one of the ones that stumps me every time is when people ask what the deal was when the Rockers beat the Hart Foundation for …

It’s The Occupy VC Cast

Well, it is here. The Occupy VC Cast, the Occucast, whatever you want to call it, it’s here…and it’s about to occupy about 2 hours of your time. It would be awesome if you found it 99% funny. We divided it into 4 parts. It would have been only 3, but well, ya see, I’m …

A Short Movie About Rioting Over Movies At A Black Friday Sale

What do you know, another completely insane bit of Black Friday video. Didn’t see that coming. Warning: VERY LOUD SOUND! Made me jump when it started playing. This lovely scene took place at a Walmart in Mesquite, Texas. I swear Walmart is the setting for about 98% of these things. Why is that? The people …

You Stuck What Up Your Where?

We’ve talked from time to time about the strange things people have shoved in strange places in their bodies. Well, now, there’s a whole book of x-rays showing stuff in places it shouldn’t be. and here’s a video about the book. I wouldn’t have cared, except the video was hilarious. If you can’t get it …

More Songs About Roundabouts

What is with people wanting to sing about roundabouts? First up we had the roundabout dance for pedestrians, next up was the roundabout dance for drivers. Now, in Ireland, a driving instructor has written yet another roundabout song. Now there’s a fellow who says “aboot”. Something about this song is strangely catchy. Drivers might learn …