If There Was A War For Best Celebrity GPS, It Has Been Won

Either I haven’t done it or found it yet, or there’s not much to talk about today. So just because it’s awesome, enjoy this video ad for the TomTom Bert and Ernie GPS. If it was blind dude accessible, I would buy this in a heartbeat. I hope you’re paying attention, GPS for blind dudes …

An Unwritten Rule Of Hockey

I doubt this comes up in many training camps, so here’s a good tip for all you kids out there. If you’re gonna play hockey, always, always! remember which team you’re on. It might just save you a punch in the face during a goal celebration one day. Here’s a description of what’s going on …

A Bit Of History: Tracy Smothers Wrestles A Bear

There’s a lot of stuff you don’t see in wrestling anymore. Guys that look different, guys with ring names that aren’t completely ridiculous, somebody wrestling a bear…wait, what? Believe it or not, years ago, that was a thing. My knowledge of bear match history isn’t very good. Being both a Canadian and a kid who …

Will People Actually Sell Their Old MP3s? Redigi Sure Hopes So

Here’s a strange idea. Instead of just deleting all that digital music you don’t want anymore, why not sell it? Yes, sell it, like you would with your old tapes and CDs by taking them to a place like The Beat Goes On. There’s a site called Redigi that’s trying to make a business out …

The O’Leary & Hedges Exchange

I don’t watch the Lang & O’Leary Exchange that much. I have, however, seen enough of Kevin O’Leary to know good and well that he’s got a tendency to be a gigantic tool. For instance… The other day, author Chris Hedges appeared on the show to talk about Occupy Wall Street. Everything was going fine …

Shame That Nothing Has Chosen To Occupy This Guy’s Empty Head

People, people, people! When are you going to learn that if you’re not sure what you’re protesting, it’s best you stay home and read up on it instead of drawing up a sign and heading downtown? You’re giving the folks trying to lend support to what may well be a legitimate and worthwhile movement a …

And Now A Message From The US Fail

If you don’t realize that the good old postal mail is in trouble and is dying a slow, agonizingly painful death, you don’t own a computer, aren’t entirely sure what a blog is and probably aren’t reading this anyway, so why am I talking to you? For all of you who are still here, check …

Today In Pretty Friggin Cool: The Touchscreen Brailler

My old blind man self doesn’t much care for touchscreens just yet, but since that’s where the world is headed, gadgets like this thing have the potential to save us a lot of money if they work as advertised. And I admit it, the idea is pretty neat. A group of researchers from Stanford University …

The Next Tiny Classified Ad With His Name On It Will Be An Obituary

It’s hard to get all sappy about this one since scumbag just radiates off the guy, but the apparent suicide of Don Lapre is worth a mention as far as I’m concerned. If you’ve been reading a while or if you know me reasonably well, the fact that I tend to have trouble sleeping probably …