I Found The Mean Machines! And Many More Cool Things

Remember back when I casually mentioned looking for a play safe ad about being careful around “the mean machines” because “they can hurt you”? Well, I found it! And I also found the coolest channel ever. If you’re looking for old station ID’s, themesongs and commercials that ran in Ontario, check out the YouTube channel …

Recording? What Am I Recording? Well Shux!

This video of a cute couple inadvertently filming themselves while trying to figure out their new webcam killed me. My god. I think this is everybody’s parents or grandparents. It kind of reminds me of what happened when we tried to get my great aunt a computer. Oh, it would open up the internet and …

What Is And Is Not Ironic…And Now I Want A Chimichanga  

I saw this comic about what is and is not irony on Twitter. Well, I should say I saw a link to it, because it was a great big ol’ image. But because I’m persistent *coughcough* annoying *coughcough*, the guy who sent it out actually read it into an audio file! Isn’t that awesome beyond …

Run And Hide From Man Hide

I feel dirty linking this video, but some of you may have been lucky enough not to have seen it to this point and writing is all about context, so here it is. Listen, Dove. I like your soap well enough. Irish Spring is my personal favourite, but my mom’s house has been a Dove …

Disorder In The Court!

Here comes another one who hasn’t learned that trying to beat up court officials probably won’t work out so well. This one, after being held in contempt of court at a domestic violence hearing, tried to take out the judge. I guess she didn’t see court security, but they sure saw her. Down she went. …

>A Piece of Computer History Come To Life

>Woe. Here’s something you don’t see every day. A guy got his hands on a 1964 modem, and brought it online. This thing was as simple as she gets. It wasn’t even close to a digital modem. 300 Bod. Hello. You know what’s funny? My parents would have been around in this modem’s era, but …

Down With Helmets…And Vital Signs

Maybe it’s insensitive of me to laugh at the fate of Philip A. Contos, but oh well, what are ya gonna do? Motorcyclist killed in anti-helmet rally. He wasn’t wearing any head protection, lost control of his bike and pumpkin smashed his melon on the pavement. And naturally, police say he likely would have survived …