Late Breaking News. Very, Very Late

A while ago, Carin and I stopped watching our local CTV News At 6. We’ve flirted with this idea on and off over the years, but in the end our old person spirits would always win and we’d go back. The problem with the CTV news isn’t that the personalities are bad or that we …

Even If It Was Standing Still, He Still Wouldn’t Be Quicker Than That Car

You hear stories all the time about people running onto the field at sporting events, but somebody doing it during a Formula One exhibition? That’s a new one. And yes, the obvious reason *why* that’s a new one applies. Formula One driver Sebastien Buemi was in Japan at a Red Bull F1 Exhibition when a …

Today’s Worst Thing I’ve Ever Seen: The Baby Bullet Infomercial

I just spent 10 minutes of my life watching this Baby Bullet infomercial. No, I haven’t the slightest clue why. It’s awful even by infomercial standards. Seriously, just watch this acting. And when I say acting I’m not meaning to insult actual actors, I’m just fresh out of synonyms. This woman and her emphasis! of …

Hey Look! It’s A World! And It’s Not Ending!

Well, Steve and I were going to do a cast all about the rapture just so we could joke about it and laugh a lot at Harold Camping. But Steve’s had a little trouble sleeping lately, so just wasn’t feelin’ it. So I figured I’d ramble a while here. You can see that it’s after …