Ok, where to begin? So much going onhere. Mother of 4 Kimesa Smith, enjoying a trip to spring break with a few of the little ones, ran into some fast food service that was too far to the opposite end of fast for her liking. Since you’re reading this here, you know what happens next. …
Category Archives: videos
>Lights, Camera, Guilty!
>We didn’t know the names Joshua VanSlyke, Anthony VanSlyke or Gregory Williams when we built theMaster Criminalssection, but they were exactly the type of fellas we had in mind at the time. Here they areproviding running commentary as they head over to a buddy’s house…to rob the guy. Not even the clear sound of sirens …
2 Things That Have Nothing To Do With Each Other
A couple of random things, just because. The Just For Laughs comedy festival has a YouTube channelnow, and while I haven’t done much digging through it yet, I’ve already come acrossthis great Joey Elias clip,which was one of Carin’s favourite parts of the road showwe went to a few years back. And here, for purposes …
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There’s A Talking Calculator Older Than The Sharp One!
Have a look at the TSI speech plus, a really old talking calculator. Tell me. Was it huuuge? I wonder exactly how old it was. Let me check. Wow, it was created in 1976 ish. So…not that old. And by the sounds of it, not that huge. 7.1 inches long by 4.5 inches wide by …
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Flight Of The Bottlebee
A video of 3 people playing Flight of the Bumblebee on 101 bottles. That is all.
Yikes! That’s Fat!
Remember Donna Simpson? Well, somebody found a YouTube video of this chick. Holy fat voice, batman. Wow, that’s just sad. I really don’t have any more words.
He Didn’t Catch The Train, But The Train Caught Him
Since we have talked so much about people crossing the tracks and not hearing or seeing the oncoming train and then getting smucked by it, I thought this video had a place here. Apparently this guy was moving rather slowly. I don’t know, because the audio in the video doesn’t mention how fast he was …
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They Got It All Wrong With This Song About Schlongs…
Ya know, I would have had no problem with the lyrics in this video talking about contraception, which was put out by Midnight Beast in combination with Marie Stopes international, except for two lines.“One up the bum, and it’s no harm done.One up the bum, and you won’t be a mum.” But ya still could …
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How Many Stacey Champions Could There Be? Well, At Least Two.
We have a twist on the puppy in the mail story. It looks like there’s more than one Stacey Champion, and the wrong one is getting hate mailed off the earth. What really sucks is they both spell their names the same, both are the same age, and both have a connection to Minneapolis. But …
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Somebody Needs To Tell This Kid That There’s No Such Thing As An Extra Life
I respect the hell out of Alessandro Micalizzi. Don’t feel bad, I didn’t know that name until just now either. To a lot of people, the off-duty Italian police officer is a hero. With just seconds to spare, he managed to jump off of a subway platform and rescue a 10-year-old boy who had fallen …
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