Frank’s Red Hot: I Put That Shit On Everyone!

It’s pretty sad when a kid gets adopted by someone who ends up treating him like this. Jessica Beagley adopted two boys from Russia. One of them hasn’t had any issues, but this one apparently does. So, in the video, she resorted to forcing hot sauce into his mouth and then throwing him in a …

Really, The F Word Is Quite A Good Word!

I’m posting this um, erm, grammar lesson, for 3 reasons. First, I saw it on Weird Universe and it gave me flashbacks. I forget who found this back when I was at school, but I remember listening to it over, and over, and over again, probably until my room-mate wanted to employ the starring word …

If You’re Happy And You Know It, Swear At A Baby

Once again, children’s toys are spouting off at the mouth. This time it’s a singing puppy named My Pal Violet that told a woman’s 4-month-old“If you’re happy and you know it, fuck with me.” LeapFrog Toys, the company responsible for the confrontational canine, says that the nice little doggy is saying “bark with me,” but …


Here’s something chuckleworthy. A bunch of people on my Twitter list were talking about finding a new tune for the alphabet. In response, one of them gave us this. It made me chuckle because in typing lessons, we would have to write the alphabet out, and I did some typing lessons on the old apple, …

If You Had Dreams For These Kids, They Died Today.

Let’s start with a soundtrack,shall we? Ok, picture this. You’re a kid, about 12 years old. You notice a blue cube on top of a filing cabinet in a classroom. What do you think you should do? If you respond by saying nibble on it, you’re not alone, and you’re also very very dumb. It …

Lee Paige Lawsuit Shot Down, Possibly In The Leg

I’m sure to a good number of you the name Lee Paige will be a familiar one. Hey, it’s not every day that a gun safety expert shoots himself in the leg during a demonstration. Well maybe it is, but he just happened to be the one who got caught on tape doing it back …