Unintentional Bee Beard

Poor Lamar LaCaze. Poor poor guy. After that, I think I would have to mow the lawn in a snowsuit. He was just mowing the lawn, when it happened. He must have struck one hell of a nest of bees, because he got 1200 stings. Ow ow ow ow oo oo ee ee. I love …

This Is, In Fact, Gold

What’s a guy to do when he’s suffering from both Asperger’s and Tourette’s syndromes and is currently “ticcing like a ‘mofo’”? Well, if that guy happens to be Guy Daniel Francis, the answer is simple. Record a Tourettes karaoke version of Gold by Spandau Ballet andupload it to YouTube, of course. Good on him for …

There’s A Reason They Went With Barnstormers And Not Brainstormers

Here’s a clip of some hilariously bad baseball from a game in the independent Atlantic League between the Lancaster Barnstormers and the Somerset Patriots. Having just allowed a 1 out triple in the bottom of the 12th inning, Barnstormers’ pitcher Lance Odom decides to employ, as they used to say in the old cartoons, a …

Braak Braak, We’ll All Be Dead, We’ll All Be Dead…

We were just talking about a guard bird in a pet store. Well, here’s one that was specially trained to be a lookout for cops by Colombian drug dealers, but this time, his warnings came too late. He’s apparently saying “run, run, you’re going to get caught!” in this video clip here. Are there any …

I’m Sure The Opossum Wishes It Was Dead

I came across this video on how to give an opossum a proper pedicure and so many questions flood through my head. Let’s just watch the video, so then I can remember all the questions. Ok, so she starts off by saying today we will learn how to give your opossum a proper pedicure! My …

Don’t Forget To Get Out And Support Your Local Marathon Of Family Ties Reruns

Since it’s soon going to be Terry Fox run season here in Canada, now might be a good time to inform you all that for all these years, it appears we’ve been doing it wrong. If this clip from NBC’s 2010 Olympic coverage is accurate, the man whose name in which we are truly running …

What Wrestling Used To Look Like

It’s pretty rare to come across wrestling video from the 1930’s at all, and it’s even rarer to find it with sound and full commentary. According to the video description, this match between Jim Londos and Bronko Nagurski took place in Philadelphia on November 18th, 1938 and was for the Los Angeles version of the …

Look Honey, I’m On TV! And My Teeth Are In My Stomach!

This videois a tad old, but I’m posting it anyway because any time a guy on a cellphone stops paying attention and gets cracked right in the face by a ground rule double, it’s good times. That statement goes double if the guy in question happens to be a Yankees fan. Nice work, Rob Johnson. …

Facebook Will Put A Frown On Your Face If Mom Friends You

This story of kids wanting to unfriend their parents on Facebook comes as no surprise to me. One of the things I hate about Facebook is the way everything intertwines. The last people I would want on Facebook, if I gave in to the dark side and joined that thing, are my parents. But the …