Total Eclipse Of The Heart, The Literal Video

If ever somebody decides that DVS versions of music videos are a good idea, this is how it would have to be done. Yes, they’ve changed the lyrics for the whole song and are singing what’s happening in the video. It’s hilarious when you can’t see it, and I’m sure following along with those functional …

Internet Explosion Jesus

Remember the demise of the jesus statue, which led to us finding out about the “Big Butter Jesus song? I guess lots of people liked that song, and have been writing new endings for it describing, well, Big Butter Jesus’s end. There’s electrostatic Jesus, which I thought was his, but upon closer inspection, it’s not …

This Ain’t Your Grandpa’s Computer…Actually Yes, It Sort Of Is

Jack Zylkin has designed what he’s calling aUSB typewriterbecause…because…ahh hell, I’ll let him explain it. The USBTypewriter™ is a new and groundbreaking innovation in the field of obsolescence.  Lovers of the look, feel, and quality of old fashioned manual typewriters can now use them as keyboards for any USB-capable computer, such as a PC, Mac, …

My Stomach’s Doing Flips, And I’m Not On A Rollercoaster

Ug. The thought of 32 naked people riding a rollercoaster sounds positively eeewww. Can you imagine what happens when men go upside-down and their balls are flappin’ in the wind? Yuck! There was one gross thing that one guy said. “I’m not nervous about being naked in front of people, I’m not nervous on rollercoasters. …

Guide Cats for the Blind

I got this link today, and had a good chuckle. You know how people joke about what would happen if you tried to train a cat to guide? Well, here’s what would. I don’t think anyone would be signing up for one of these. Here are the words in case there are no captions on …

I Believe That Children Are Our Future. Teach Them Well And Let Them Lead The Way…

Now, there’s a graduation ceremony nobody will forget, but for all the wrong reasons. We still don’t know why, but in the middle of the ceremony, a fight broke out between some parents, and one of the parents observing put the resulting fight up on YouTube. Wow, just wow. This is the way parents think …

And A Partridge In A Pear Tree?

Thanks Ann for this one. I think I’m even going to use her subject line as my title. Wow! How big is this guy’s ass that he was able to smuggle into jail: a cigarette lighter, rolling papers, a baggie of tobacco the size of a golf ball, a smaller baggie of marijuana, a 1-inch …